JuliaCon 2022 (Times are UTC)

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Alexandre A. Renchon

Alexandre A. Renchon, currently postdoctoral appointee at Argonne National Laboratory, has a PhD in Terrestrial Ecology (2019, Western Syndey University), and Master degree in Bioengineering, Environmental Sciences and Technology (2013, Liege University). Alexandre is a multidisciplinary scientists with experience as an empiricist, modeler, and programmer. His interests are to understand how climate change will impact terrestrial ecosystems.


CUPofTEA, versioned analysis and visualization of land science
Alexandre A. Renchon

We present a GitHub organization, CUPofTEAproject, hosting a Franklin.jl website, cupoftea.earth, and a suite of Julia packages. The organization goal is to host versioned analysis and web interactive visualization (using WGLMakie.jl) of science studies about exchanges between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere.
