JuliaCon 2022 (Times are UTC)

JuMP ToQUBO Automatic Reformulation
2022年7月27日 , JuMP

We present ToQUBO.jl, a Julia package to reformulate general optimization problems into QUBO instances. This tool aims to convert JuMP problems for straightforward application in physics and physics-inspired solution methods whose normal form is equivalent to QUBO. It automatically maps between source and target models, providing a smooth JuMP modeling experience.
We also present a simple interface to connect various annealers and samplers as QUBO solvers bundled in another package, Anneal.jl.

My name is Pedro and I'm from Brasil. I'm a Computer and Information Engineering student at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) where I also pursue a Pure Mathematics degree as double major.
I'm intersted in many research topics concerning Maths and it's applications, even those which apply to purely theoretical fields. I've been spending most of my time in the University studying Logic, Compilers, Optimization, Computer Graphics, Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence.
Apart from that, I've been into other adventures such as Public Healthcare management systems at FIOCRUZ (Viva o SUS!) and Generative Design in architecture at FAU-UFRJ.
I'm currently building amazing stuff at PSR.