JuliaCon 2022 (Times are UTC)

Rainer Heintzmann

Rainer Heintzmann works as a research head and university professor at the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
His research focuses on imaging cellular function at high resolution. His group develops techniques to measure multidimensional information in small biological objects such as cells, cellular organelles or other small structures of interest. A further interest is in computer-based reconstruction methods.
Software packages in Julia and other languages are developed for scientific computing and visualization with a special focus on optics and deconvolution.


PointSpreadFunctions.jl - optical point spread functions
Felix Wechsler, Rainer Heintzmann

Various ways of calculating three-dimensional optical point spread functions (PSFs) are presented. The methods account for the vector nature of the optical field as well as phase aberrations. Quantitative comparisons in terms of speed and accuracy will be presented.
