JuliaCon 2022 (Times are UTC)

William Moses

William S. Moses is a Ph.D. Candidate at MIT, where he also received his M.Eng in electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) and B.S. in EECS and physics. William’s research involves creating compilers and program representations that enable performance and use-case portability, thus enabling non-experts to leverage the latest in high-performance computing and ML. He is known as the lead developer of Enzyme (NeurIPS ’20, SC ’21), an automatic differentiation tool for LLVM capable of differentiating code in a variety of languages, after optimization, and for a variety of architectures and the lead developer of Polygeist (PACT ’21), a polyhedral compiler and C++ frontend for MLIR. He has also worked on the Tensor Comprehensions framework for synthesizing high-performance GPU kernels of ML code, the Tapir compiler for parallel programs (best paper at PPoPP ’17), and compilers that use machine learning to better optimize. He is a recipient of the U.S. Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship and the Karl Taylor Compton Prize, MIT’s highest student award.


Fast Forward and Reverse-Mode Differentiation via Enzyme.jl
Valentin Churavy, William Moses, Ludger Paehler, Tim Gymnich

Enzyme is a new LLVM-based differentiation framework capable of creating fast derivatives in a variety of languages. In this talk we will showcase improvements in Enzyme.jl, the Julia-language bindings for Enzyme that enable us to differentiate through parallelism (Julia tasks, MPI.jl, etc), mutable memory, JIT-constructs, all while maintaining performance. Moreover we will also showcase Enzyme's new forward mode capabilities in addition to its existing reverse-mode features.
