JuliaCon 2022 (Times are UTC)

David Gomez-Cabeza

I am a Bioengineering PhD student at the University of Edinburgh working on optimal experimental design for automated model calibration and selection, both computationally and experimentaly. Coming from a pure experimental background (Microbiology), I discovered how powerfull modeling can be in not just predicting, but designing new biological systems, hence my transition to a hybrid type of work. I discovered Julia a couple of years ago, looking for faster environments to do my computational research (mostly Bayesian based), and now I completely shifted all my work to it!


An introduction to BOMBs.jl.
David Gomez-Cabeza

Mathematical models are crucial to build and predict the behaviour of new biological systems. However, selecting between plausible model candidates or estimate parameters is an arduous job, especially considering the different informative content of experiments. BOMBs.jl is a package to automate model simulations, pseudo-data generation, maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian inference of parameters (Stan and Turing.jl), and design optimal experiments for model selection and inference.
