JuliaCon 2022 (Times are UTC)

A user’s perspective on using JuMP in an academic project
2022-07-27 , JuMP

The Risk-Aware Market Clearing (RAMC) project investigates the quantification and management of risk in power systems, thereby bridging machine learning, optimization and risk analysis. This talk will discuss the team's experience --from a user perspective-- on using Julia and JuMP within an academic project and a multi-disciplinary team. This will include the motivation for using these tools, as well as hurdles encountered along the way, and practical experience on industrial-size systems.

Mathieu is currently a Post-doctoral fellow at Georgia Tech, where he is part of the Risk-Aware Market Clearing (RAMC) project (https://ramc.isye.gatech.edu/). His interests are in mixed-integer linear and nonlinear optimization, and their applications to Power Systems.