JuliaCon 2022 (Times are UTC)

Visualizing astronomical data with AstroImages.jl
07-28, 19:50–20:00 (UTC), Red

To study the cosmos, astronomers examine images captured of light exceeding human-visible colors and dynamic range. AstroImages.jl makes it easy to load, manipulate, and visualize astronomical data intuitively and efficiently using arbitrary color-schemes, stretched color scales, RGB composites, PNG rendering, and plot recipes. Come to our talk to see how you too can create beautiful images of the universe!

To study the cosmos, astronomers use data cubes with many dimensions representing images with axes for sky position, time, wavelength, polarization, and more. Since these large datasets often span many orders of magnitude in intensity and typically include colours invisible to humans, astronomers like to visualize their images using a variety of non-linear stretching and contrast adjustments.
Additionally, images may contain metadata specifying arbitrary mappings of pixel positions to multiple celestial coordinate systems.
Julia is a powerful language for processing astronomical data, but these visualization tasks are a challenge for any tool. Built on Images, DimensionalData, FITS, WCS, and Plots, AstroImages.jl makes it easy to load, manipulate, and visualize astronomical data intuitively and efficiently with support for arbitrary colorschemes, stretched color scales, RGB composites, lazy PNG rendering, and plot recipes.
Come to our talk to see how you too can create beautiful images of the universe!

Astronomy PhD candidate and Julia Enthusiast at the University of Victoria.
Maintainer of PairPlots.jl