Ramchandran Muthukumar

I am currently a Research Assistant for Prof. Madeleine Udell at Cornell University. I will be a CS PhD student at Johns Hopkins from Fall 2019. I was a 2016 Google Summer of Code Fellow under NumFocus/Julia-Opt organization where I worked on pre-solve routines for LP.

I'm interested in optimization, numerical analysis and leveraging the powerful expressiveness of the Julia language in scientific research.


Randomized Sketching for Approximate Gradients : Applications to PDE Constrained Optimization
Ramchandran Muthukumar

Randomized sketching algorithms are a powerful tool for on-the-fly compression of matrices. In this talk we show how sketching can be used for approximate gradient and hessian-times-vector computations that are storage optimal.
This approach gives cutting-edge low memory algorithms to address the challenge of expensive storage in optimization problems with PDE constraints.
We also discuss implications for efficient adjoint computation/back-propagation.

Room 349