Yingbo Ma

Yingbo Ma was a math major in the University of California, Irvine, and he is currently taking a gap year. He is a scientific computing intern in predictive healthcare analytics at Julia Computing, Inc. and the Center for Translational Medicine at the University of Maryland Baltimore. He is very interested in numerical treatments for differential equations and implemented a number of integrators and interfaces in the JuliaDiffEq organization. His future goal is to develop new efficient algorithms for solving differential equations and to apply them in real practice.


Efficient Stiff Ordinary Differential Equation Solvers for Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QsP)
Yingbo Ma

QsP is a sophisticated and effective way to predict the interaction between drugs and the human body, however, simulating QsP models can take a long time because of the intrinsic stiffness in transient chemical reactions. Here we take a deep look at the efficiency of various stiff ordinary differential equation solvers in the JuliaDiffEq ecosystem applied to QsP models, and utilize benchmarks to summarize how the ecosystem is progressing and what kinds of advances we can expect in the near future.

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