Avik Sengupta

Avik Sengupta is VP of Engineering at Julia Computing, Inc. In that role he is responsible for all product development and software engineering at the company. He's a contributor to the open source Julia programming language, and maintainer of many Julia packages. Previously, Avik has worked on large, complex solutions for world’s leading investment banks, creating single dealer platforms, equity research services and risk and trading systems. Over the past decade, he has co-founded 2 startups working on AI/ML in the financial services sector.

Avik is the author of "Julia High Performance", a book about performance optimisation in Julia. He has an MBA from IIM Bangalore, and an MS in Computational Finance from Carnegie Mellon University.


Parallel Computing Workshop
Matt Bauman, Avik Sengupta

Parallel computing is hard. Julia can make it much easier. In this workshop, we discuss modern trends in high performance computing, how they’ve converged towards multiple types of parallelism, and how to most effectively use these different types in Julia.

PH 211N