Simon Danisch
I've been passionate about graphics, machine learning, scientific computing and computer graphics from an early age!
After graduating from Cognitive Science, I was able to follow that passion by directly working for the Julia MIT team! As part of my work, I've created Makie.jl, GPUArrays.jl, PackageCompiler and many other packages in the area of graphics, file-io and gpu acceleration.
Nowadays, I work for Nextjournal, where I'm in charge of the Julia integration, outreach and interactive plotting.
Makie is a new plotting library written a 100% in Julia.
It offers a GPU accelerated drawing backend that can draw huge amounts of data at interactive speeds.
Other backends for SVG, PDF and the Web are available as well, so Makie can be used in a many different scenarios.
This talk will give an overview of how Makie works and will present the most outstanding plotting examples from the areas of Interactivity, Data Science, Geology and Simulations.
With PackageCompiler, one can ahead of time compile binaries for Julia packages. This includes the ability to create an executable for a Julia script.
In this talk, I will give a short overview of how PackageCompiler works and how it can be used to ship your Julia package or eliminate JIT overhead.