Renee Spear

Renee Spear is a senior at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott, AZ majoring in Aerospace Engineering, Astronautical track, and minoring in Computer Science. Renee has been involved in the Julia Language 1.0 Ephemeris and Physical Constants Reader for Solar System bodies with her peer, Julia Mihaylov, and mentors, Dr. Kaela Martin of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Dr. Damon Landau of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, for over two years and has published two papers on the subject. Her career goals include pursuing an advanced degree in astrodynamics and working for an aerospace company where she can make an impact on spacecraft and mission design through the optimization of existing procedures and exploration of new avenues in technology and design. Outside of academia, Renee loves to enjoy the outdoors through hiking, photography, kayaking, and backpacking.


The Julia Language 1.0 Ephemeris and Physical Constants Reader for Solar System Bodies
Renee Spear

The Julia Language 1.0 Ephemeris and Physical Constants Reader for Solar System Bodies is an ephemeris reader, written in the programming language of Julia, is a new tool intended for use in astrodynamic applications.

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