Julia + JavaScript = <3
07-25, 11:00–11:30 (US/Eastern), Elm A

Julia and JavaScript come together like peanut butter and chocolate
This talk is an overview of the JuliaGizmos ecosystem. It starts with the basics of creating a simple page, showing it in various forms, to Interact.jl and beyond. I will present work done by many people that have been aggregated in this github niche, mainly that of Mike Innes, Pietro Vertechi, Joel Mason, Travis DePrato, Sebastian Pfitzner and myself.

This talk is an overview of the JuliaGizmos ecosystem. It starts with the basics of creating a simple page, showing it in various forms, to Interact.jl and beyond. I will present work done by many people that have been aggregated in this github niche, mainly that of Mike Innes, Pietro Vertechi, Joel Mason, Travis DePrato, Sebastian Pfitzner and myself.
Outline of the talk:

  1. Showing any Julia object, serving it on a web server
  2. Executing and talking to JavaScript: the @js syntax
  3. Interact.jl -- past and future
  4. Syntax: Building your own JavaScript based library with seamless Julia bindings
  5. Deploying a native-looking app as a Julia script
  6. A brief update on (other people's) work on transpiling Julia to JS.

A common question we get asked on Slack is -- "is there a replacement for R's shiny in Julia?". The answer is YES, and you can help us build it out!

I'm a first year grad student at MIT. Formerly programmer at Julia Computing.