JuliaCN: A community driven localization group for Julia in China
2019-07-25 , Room 349

JuliaCN was founded by early Chinese Julia developers for Julia localization in Chinese. We started it by providing Chinese translation on Julia documentation known as JuliaZH.jl/julia_zh_cn.


JuliaCN was founded when Julia was still newly born. Its early member includes several developers in the community, e.g Jiahao Chen, Yichao Yu. We provided the first translation on Julia's documentation in v0.3, known as julia_zh_cn. Later, we provided the Chinese discourse to let non-English speakers communicate freely and get support when they are in trouble.


  • Annual Julia User Meetup in China: This is more like a small workshop held each year.
  • Holding and providing resource for Julia User Meetups
  • Community driven translation project: we built a transifex based translation project JuliaZH.jl

Project Emerged in JuliaCN Community


Gnimnuc; Jun

First year grad student from University of Waterloo. Core member of JuliaCN, the Julia localization org in China. Core member of QuantumBFS, an open source organization for developing software for quantum physics.

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