Keynote: Professor Madeleine Udell
07-23, 08:40–09:25 (US/Eastern), NS Room 130

Madeleine Udell is Assistant Professor of Operations Research and Information Engineering
and Richard and Sybil Smith Sesquicentennial Fellow at Cornell University.
She studies optimization and machine learning for large scale data analysis and control,
with applications in marketing, demographic modeling, medical informatics,
engineering system design, and automated machine learning.
Her research in optimization centers on detecting and exploiting novel structures
in optimization problems, with a particular focus on convex and low rank problems.
These structures lead the way to automatic proofs of optimality, better complexity guarantees, and faster,
more memory-efficient algorithms. She has developed a number of open source libraries for
modeling and solving optimization problems, including Convex.jl,
one of the top tools in the Julia language for technical computing.