George Datseris
By day I am a scientist and by night I am a software developer and a drummer.
My areas of research are: quantum transport, nonlinear dynamics and chaos, music timeseries analysis, climate physics.
DrWatson - The perfect sidekick to your scientific inquiries
George Datseris
Science is hard! Not only because scientific work requires utmost scrutiny and focus, but also because managing a scientific project is hard and messy. DrWatson is a scientific project assistant software made for Julia that makes scientific work less nightmarish.
Purple Track
JuliaMusic: doing cool science and becoming a better drummer
George Datseris
JuliaMusic is a collection of packages for analyzing music data. As the lead-dev I use these packages in my day-to-day scientific work about the properties of music. However I also use them to create exercises that help me become a better drummer.
Purple Track