JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

Micah Halter

Micah E. Halter is a research scientist at the Information and Communications Laboratory of the Georgia Tech Research Institute in Atlanta, GA. He has worked on several projects since he joined the Georgia Tech Research Institute in 2016, centered on using category theory, machine learning, databases to advance scientific and engineering applications. His research interests include high performance computing, database design and application, and category theoretic scientific knowledge representations.


AlgebraicJulia: Applied Category Theory in Julia
James Fairbanks, Micah Halter

Applied Category Theory is a new paradigm of applied mathematics that incorporates the advances in type theory to analyze scientific and engineering systems. Our talk will describe the AlgebraicJulia software ecosystem for representing and executing category theoretic computations with applications to numerical linear algebra, scientific modeling, and data science.

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