Aicha Sekhari
A. SEKHARI Seklouli is currently member of DISP laboratory. Aicha Sekhari Seklouli is a co-leader of “System Lifecycle Modeling and Optimization” axis in DISP and a Head of the RTI knowledge Transfer and innovation pole. Her research activities deal with Product and Production Sustainability, including Product Life cycle Management and Supply Chain Management. She co-advice PhDs AND Masters Students in these fields. Dr Sekhari Seklouli was technical manager of EASYIMP FP7 FoF ICT NMPB, working on the development of an MBSE method for smart Product. As a member of EcoSD (Eco Conception de système durable) research and industry association, She has many contribution in the field of Eco-PLM and Suitanaible product development. Dr. Sekhari Seklouli has been and currently coordinator/member of several international research and collaboration projects: FP7 ICT FI-PPP FITMAN, Erasmus mundus (eLink, cLink, eTourism, Fusion), Hubert Curien, ARC8, ...
A. SEKHARI Seklouli teaches in the fields of Production Management , Methods and Tools for Quality Management and Norms for Postgraduat and undergrad degrees.
A SEKHARI Seklouli was a head of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) department. She received her Engineering Degree in Electronic in 1994 from Algerian University of Engineering Science in Setif. After three years of industrial experiences in Engineering maintenance, she joined INSA Lyon for her M. Sc. (DEA) degree in 1999. She obtained her Ph.D degree in Production System from University of Joseph Fourier of Clermond Ferrand in France in 2004. Dr. Sekhari Seklouli is currently collaborating on various EU and International teaching Projects (FSP; Transport II; ...).
Industry 4.0, simply I4.0 or I4, refers to the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” that's the new digital industrial technology for transforming industries into smart/intelligent industries (iIndustry) by connecting machines with intelligent robots and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices. In this talk, we have addressed and proposed several issues for knowledge mining from Industrial Big Data (iBigData) in Industry 4.0 using Julia programming language.