JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

Maxime Mouchet

Maxime Mouchet is a PhD student at IMT Atlantique, France, from which he also holds a telecommunications engineering degree.
His work focuses on detecting and locating faults on the Internet, as well as optimizing routing and quality-of-service measurements in large networks, using artificial intelligence methods.
He is interested in practical implementations of his work, using Julia and Python.


Integrate Julia and Javascript using Node.js extensions
Maxime Mouchet

Julia is a great language for implementing algorithms, and Node.js is a popular platform for writing web services using Javascript. In this talk we will see how to run Julia code in a Node.js application, by using Node.js native extensions. This approach is particularly efficient from a performance point of view, and makes it easy to integrate Julia in existing Javascript environments.

Purple Track