JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

Francesc Verdugo

Francesc Verdugo, PhD, is Assistant Research Professor at the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain, where he collaborates at the "Large-Scale Scientific Computing" group. His main research interest is the development of advanced finite element techniques such as embedded finite element methods able to exploit the power of modern distributed-memory supercomputers.


Solving partial differential equations in Julia with Gridap.jl
Francesc Verdugo

We present Gridap, a novel finite element framework written in Julia. In the talk, we will show the software design behind the library and its application to solve a collection of well-known partial differential equations including linear, non-linear, single-field and multi-physics problems. To this end, we will consider different discretization techniques provided by the package such as continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods with Lagrangian and Raviart-Thomas elements.

Red Track