James Fairbanks
James is a Research Engineer at the Georgia Tech Research Institute in the High Performance Computing and Data Analytics Branch. His current research involves mathematical and computational formalisms in scientific computing. Where his lab applies techniques from Machine Learning, Numerical Methods, and Applied Category Theory to analyze scientific and engineering systems.
From logistics to bioinformatics or web analytics, graphs are versatile abstractions for modelling problems and solving them with specialized efficient algorithms. But with different problems comes the need for different representations. This workshop aims at giving a hands-on tour to the JuliaGraphs libraries, letting the participants build, analyze and visualize graphs for different applications. Join via Zoom: link in email from Eventbrite. Backup Youtube link: https://youtu.be/K3z0kUOBy2Y.
Applied Category Theory is a new paradigm of applied mathematics that incorporates the advances in type theory to analyze scientific and engineering systems. Our talk will describe the AlgebraicJulia software ecosystem for representing and executing category theoretic computations with applications to numerical linear algebra, scientific modeling, and data science.