JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

Julia in Production
07-31, 18:45–19:30 (UTC), BoF

An informal conversation about problems and solutions related to running Julia in a production environment. Join the BoF channel on Discord.

Running Julia in production can take many different forms. Those who have already deployed Julia to production will share their experiences and discuss challenges they have had or still have. For those who have not yet run Julia in production this is a good opportunity to get feedback on deployment strategies.

This birds-of-a-feather also provides us with the chance to discover common patterns with running Julia in production and hopefully will generate ideas for new tools that can we can all share.

Head of Development at Invenia Technical Computing

Has been using Julia since 2015

Main author of TimeZones.jl and Mocking.jl