JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

Building and analyzing graphs at scale with LightGraphs
2020-07-24 , Green Track

From logistics to bioinformatics or web analytics, graphs are versatile abstractions for modelling problems and solving them with specialized efficient algorithms. But with different problems comes the need for different representations. This workshop aims at giving a hands-on tour to the JuliaGraphs libraries, letting the participants build, analyze and visualize graphs for different applications. Join via Zoom: link in email from Eventbrite. Backup Youtube link: https://youtu.be/K3z0kUOBy2Y.

  1. Introduction

Setting up a project, logistics, where to get help, quick tour of the JuliaGraphs ecosystem

  1. First steps with SimpleGraphs

Building a graph, querying basic information, modifying a graph, constructing a graph iteratively, visualization using GraphPlot, generating standard graphs, getting large graphs from the Graph500.jl and SNAPDatasets.jl datasets.

  1. More types, more fun

The graph abstraction, why? Two graph variants, with SimpleWeightedGraphs & MetaGraphs. Dot format for visualization of small graphs

  1. Applications

Discrete optimization (spanning trees, mincut, flows, matching), web & network analysis (pagerank, analysis of the Julia packages), spectral analysis.

Target audience: we assume the audience is familiar with the basics of Julia syntax (functions, dispatch) and have already encountered graphs before.

James is a Research Engineer at the Georgia Tech Research Institute in the High Performance Computing and Data Analytics Branch. His current research involves mathematical and computational formalisms in scientific computing. Where his lab applies techniques from Machine Learning, Numerical Methods, and Applied Category Theory to analyze scientific and engineering systems.

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Mathieu is a PhD candidate in a double program between Polytechnique Montreal & INRIA Lille. His research focuses on mathematical optimization models and applications for power grids. Outside research, he also works on open-source projects around mathematical optimization, graphs and statistics.

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Simon is a software developer from Switzerland, he programs Java during the day and Julia at night.

Currently he is mainly involved with the JuliaGraphs organization.