JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

Project Binder and the Julia Community: How can we help each oth
07-29, 13:30–13:40 (UTC), Purple Track

Project Binder (https://mybinder.org, https://jupyter.org/binder) offers an easy place to share reproducible computing environments, including Julia. In this lightning talk, Sarah Gibson will present the results of the mybinder.org User Survey, in particular those of interest to or suggested by the Julia community. She will introduce herself as a point of contact for further discussion on how the Julia and Binder communities can work more closely, and how you can become involved in Project Binde

The Binder Project is a collection of tools that rewards best practices in reproducible data science and provides an easy method of sharing computing environments with anyone via a single clickable link. The free and public Binder service, hosted at https://mybinder.org, serves around 100,000 launches per week from over 10,000 individual git repositories in a variety of programming languages, including Julia.

Binder is a community-driven project, taking the lead from community-developed standards of reproducibility and input from its users via the mybinder.org user survey. The user survey was last conducted at the beginning of 2020 and a summary of the results will be presented during the lightning talk.

There are so many fantastic ideas and features the Binder project team (https://jupyterhub-team-compass.readthedocs.io/en/latest/team.html#binder-team) would like to develop but - like many open source projects - we face time restrictions, a low bus factor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor), and often lack domain expertise when developing language-specific features.

Sarah Gibson would like to introduce the Binder Project to the Julia community as an opportunity to shape a tool that would be most useful to them and provide guidance on how to get started with contributing to or joining the project.

This lightning talk will (hopefully!) be accompanied by a Birds of a Feather session and/or a drop-in table where Sarah will be available for more in-depth discussions about Binder.

Sarah Gibson is a Research Software Engineer at the Alan Turing Institute. She is passionate about best software practices and reproducible research and helps the open source community reach these gold-standards by contributing to The Turing Way (https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way) and operating mybinder.org (https://jupyter.org/binder)

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