JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

Number Theory and Computer Algebra in Julia
2020-07-30 , BoF

We will review existing computer algebra packages, discuss what new packages could be written, and look at existing C/C++ libraries like NTL that we might provide Julia wrappers for. Join the BoF channel on Discord.

We're happy to talk about all kinds of other computer algebra and number theory topics such as:

  • Can you recommend a book for number theory beginners? (Yes we can!)
  • What important computer algebra functionality don't yet exist in Julia?
  • Which packages do/do not allow composable computation?
  • Is there any interest in wrapping the NTL(C++) or PARI(C) libraries?
  • Would anyone use Julia wrappers around lattice libraries like fplll, plll or LUSA?

Bill Hart, author of Nemo.jl, AbstractAlgebra.jl, Hecke.jl and other computer algebra packages will be available to answer questions about the wonderful packages that he and his collaborators have written.

Here is an (incomplete!) list of computer algebra and number theory packages written in Julia. We may discuss some of these packages as well: GaloisFields.jl, PolynomialFactors.jl, Theta.jl, LatticeGFH90.jl, SecureComputation.jl, Coleman.jl, ModularForms.jl, RootFindGF.jl, DlogGF.jl, Braids.jl, IsogenyViz.jl, NumberTheoreticTransforms.jl, ToyFHE.jl (relies on hardness of lattice problems).

Chris is the organizer of the SF Bay Area Julia users group.