2020-07-30 –, Purple Track
For many scientific workflows, an easy way to publish results interactively to the browser is very useful. However, most web frameworks have a steep learning curve, and involve knowledge of multiple languages and technologies. In this talk, we will show you how to create web applications in pure Julia, without any javascript or html using Dash.jl.
Dash.jl is a Julia interface to the Dash framework developed by the Plotly team. This talk is aimed at demonstrating how easy it is to write a high quality webapp in Julia, without having to write JavaScript, and still have it be really intuitive, almost as if one is writing HTML.
Often in large projects, one of the key goals is to deliver a final solution to a large user base. In this talk, we will explore a simple way to deploy your solution behind a web server.
We will write a webapp that includes user input, automated HTTP request routing, and displaying analytical results with Plotly graphs.
Dhairya is currently a Data Scientist at Julia Computing Inc. and maintains and develops Julia's ML stack with Flux and Zygote.