JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

Crash Course in Energy Systems Modeling and Analysis with Julia
2020-07-31 , Green Track

Do you want to customize an energy systems market model? Do you have trouble parsing data from various tools? Do you want to interactively explore your model results? This 0-60 crash course will get you up and going on energy systems modeling and analysis with Julia using PowerSystems.jl, PowerSimulations.jl, PowerModels.jl, and PowerGraphics.jl.

Researchers at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have developed a new suite of infrastructure modeling capabilities to understand emerging energy systems operations and planning challenges. This talk will introduce the power systems modeling and analysis capabilities enabled by NREL researchers. Basic overviews of the following packages and associated capabilities will be presented:
- PowerSystems.jl: Power system data specification, parsing, and analysis.
- PowerSimulations.jl: Optimal power system scheduling, production cost modeling, and quasi-static system simulation.
- PowerGraphics.jl: Visualization and analysis of power systems simulation results.

Dheepak is an energy system research engineer working at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. He is interested in energy, optimization and high performance computing.

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