JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

Vehicle's crew survivability using Julia

Computing the chances of survival of a crew means the simulation of a series of interdisciplinary problems. In this talk we will show how SimJulia is used as a platform for the simulation of these ballistics problems as discrete event.

Assessing the chances of survival of a vehicle’s crew under attack involves the computation of outcomes from a large number of attack scenarios.
For each scenario, the chances of crew survival are estimated using probabilistic computations involving a wide range of stochastics factors such as attack conditions, vehicle structural failure, debris path etc...

The aim of this research is to build a framework that would ensure the propagation of uncertainties across the complete chain of computational models. It would then be possible to make an estimation of the main factors that contribute to crew survivability. These kind of simulations requires constant code extension with new models to simulate for instance outcomes from a collision between a “new” projectile and a “new” armour. A type hierarchy is used with multiple-dispatch that can be easily extended for new scenarios. To achieve our goal of code maintainability and extensibility, modularity is key. This is achieved using discrete event simulations in SimJulia, whereby the simulation advances by stepping through a list of events. Events are broken down into modules/tasks. To simulate a scenario is then a matter of combining tasks.