Fearghal O'Donncha
Fearghal O’Donncha is a research scientist at IBM Research — Ireland. His work focuses on applying simulation models, analytics, and machine learning techniques to assist industry operations. This encompasses developing and deploying simulation-based models, integrating sensor data from a variety of IoT platforms, developing AI-based models that extract value from sensor or expert data, and optimizing these tools to a variety of HPC and cloud-based platforms. He is an adjunct faculty member at the National University of Ireland, Galway.
Aquaculture, or the farmed production of fish and shellfish, has grown rapidly, from supplying just 7% of fish for human consumption in 1974 to more than half in 2016. Sustaining this rapid expansion requires data-driven management of the production process and environmental impacts. This talk presents a machine-learning-based exploration of environmental and fish behaviour datasets collected at three salmon farms in Norway, Scotland, and Canada using AutoML tools in Julia.