Gael Forget

I work as a reseach scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where I investigate oceanography and climate. As part of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, my work focuses on ocean modeling and the analysis of global ocean data sets such as Argo profile collections, satellite records of sea level, or ocean color retrievals. I co-develop computer programs in various languages and carry out ocean state estimation using the MIT general circulation model in order to interpolate and interpret ocean observations. My scientific interests include: ocean circulation and climate variability; tracer transport and turbulent transformation processes; interaction of ecological, geochemical, and physical processes; global cycles of heat, water, and carbon; observational statistics; forward and inverse modeling.


Modeling Marine Ecosystems At Multiple Scales Using Julia
Gael Forget, Benoit Pasquier, Zhen Wu

Life in the oceans is strongly connected to our climate. In this workshop, you will learn to use packages from the JuliaOcean and JuliaClimate organizations that provide a foundation for studying marine ecosystems across a wide range of scales. We will first run agent-based models to explore individual microbes and processes that drive species interactions. On the other end of the model hierarchy, we will simulate planetary-scale transports that control ocean biogeography and climate change.

ClimateModels.jl -- A Simple Interface To Climate Models
Gael Forget

Here we provides a uniform interface to climate models of varying complexity and completeness. Models that range from low dimensional to whole Earth System models are
ran and analyzed via this simple interface. Three examples illustrate this framework as applied to:

  • a stochastic path (zero-dimensional, Julia function)
  • a shallow water model (two-dimensional, Julia package)
  • a general circulation model (high-dim., feature-rich, fortran, MPI)