Code, docs, and tests: what's in the General registry?
07-28, 19:00–19:30 (UTC), Purple

The General registry is the collection of open source packages that makes up the Julia package ecosystem. Here, we take a survey: what fraction of packages have tests? CI? Docs? An open source license? How big are most packages? What's the biggest one? Are there many tiny packages? We will explore these questions and more with charts, plots, and discussion. We'll also show how to use PackageAnalyzer.jl to collect the data for yourself or take a look at a particular package (perhaps your own!).

We know that Julia is a modern language that makes adopting best programming practices, like documentation and testing, very simple, lowering the entry barriers for newcomers... but is that true? We developed a package called PackageAnalyzer.jl to try to answer this question and get more information about packages in the Julia ecosystem.

PackageAnalyzer.jl lets you statically inspect the content of a package and collect information about the use of documentation, testing suite, continuous integration, as well as the licenses used, the number of lines of code and the number of contributors.

In this talk we will show how to use PackageAnalyzer.jl with your own package, and then iterate the analysis over any collection of packages, including all those in the General registry. We will present plots and statistics about the open source packages in the Julia ecosystem. We will be able to see what is the adoption of practices like documentation and testing, what are the most popular licenses and continuous integration services, what are the largest packages and in what languages they are written. Additionally, we will have a look into the Julia community: how many users contributed to the Julia ecosystem and how many people work on a single package, on average?

Research Software Developer at UCL during the day, binary builder during the night.

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I recently finished my PhD in quantum information theory at the University of Cambridge. I’m now a Research Scientist working at Beacon Biosignals, trying to make brain monitoring easily accessible, interpretable, and actionable.