Applications of Julia for Network Science Text Analysis

I will discuss my experience using Julia to perform semantic text processing on short texts, which was a lot of firsts for me: my first time using Julia, and first project tracked through Github. I will talk through how we used Julia specifically to perform the text analysis, my experience trying to troubleshoot and find Julia documentation online (which can be difficult yet rewarding!), and in particular, the ways in which Julia allowed us to vary our use of methods and display of our results.

I will discuss my experience using Julia to perform semantic text processing on short texts, which was a lot of firsts for me: first big research project, first time using Julia, and first project tracked through Github. I will talk through how we used Julia specifically to perform the text analysis, my experience trying to troubleshoot and find Julia documentation online (which can be difficult yet rewarding!), and in particular, the ways in which Julia’s compiling and use in Jupiter Notebooks expedited our work, and allowed us to vary our use of methods and display of our results. I really enjoyed using Julia, and although I don’t like text-processing, coding in Julia made our semantic text analysis interesting and intuitive.