JuliaCon 2023

Caira Anderson

I am an applied mathematics graduate student and GEM Fellow. I currently work as a research assistant at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). I am interested in the areas of dynamical systems, numerical analysis, and scientific computing. I am particularly drawn to applications in the areas of environmental sustainability and medicine. In Summer 2021, I interned at PPPL and developed a code using the automatic differentiation packages in Julia to optimize the design of stellarator (a nuclear fusion device) coils. I recently completed the framework of a code in Julia to solve a linear eigenvalue problem for the evaluation of the global stability of a given 3D plasma equilibrium in stellarator geometry.


Progress on a solver for ideal MHD stability in stellarators
Caira Anderson

In this work, we present progress towards the development of a new code written in the Julia programming language for evaluating global (linear) ideal MHD stability in stellarator geometry. We demonstrate the code’s efficiency and robustness which is achieved through leveraging methods provided by high-performance mathematical libraries from the Julia community, such as Krylov subspace methods. Efficient evaluation of linear ideal MHD stability is crucial for stellarator optimization.

Online talks and posters