Felipe Coelho Argolo
I'm a scientist that studies human behavior, with a keen on mathematics and philosophy.
M.D., Ph.D. (Psychiatry)
Developer: https://github.com/fargolo
Research (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XR4ot-cAAAAJ), Book (https://leanpub.com/cienciadados) and Blog (https://medium.com/d-van).
NLP and human behavior with Julia (and a bit of R)
Felipe Coelho Argolo
This talk covers NLP analysis with Julia, with a focus com graph analysis.
A basic pipeline is shown, including pre-proccessing graph and semantic embeddings with TextGraphs.jl.
We briefly study the insides of this package along with an use case. For this, the heteronyms of Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa are contrasted with each other. We see how speech structural properties reflect different writing styles.
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