JuliaCon 2023

Elliot Saba

I am a senior research engineer at JuliaHub, where I design next-generation tools for the Julia programming language. I received my Ph.D. from the University of Washington in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Digital Signal Processing. I also have experience in a number of related fields including low-level microcontroller programming, electromagnetics and wireless communications, high performance computing, and machine learning.


Continuous Improvement of the CI ecosystem in Julia
Anant Thazhemadam, Elliot Saba

This past year, the CI ecosystem in Julia has seen some notable improvements. Attend this talk to learn how we’ve built workflows to support the growing needs of Base Julia CI, our friends at SciML and even some other ecosystem projects that require very wide platform testing. Our efforts have also made Base Julia CI more reliable, reproducible, and easily analyzed. This talk will showcase some of the tools available to ecosystem projects in need of a deeper degree of testing.

Julia Base and Tooling