Jean-François BAFFIER (azzaare@github)
Researcher at Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ) research lab, specialized in Optimization, Networks, Data Structures, and Algorithms.
PerfChecker.jl is an early version of a set of tools I made to check the performance of the packages in JuliaConstraints over time and versions.
The user provides a set of instructions to run in the same vein as Test.jl that can be used for allocation checks and benchmarks. Finally, the results are plotted in function of the versions.
An example of the pipeline is available at
In many fields of optimization, there is often a tradeoff between efficiency and the simplicity of the model. ConstraintLearning.jl is an interface to several tools designed to smooth that tradeoff.
- CompositionalNetworks.jl: a scaling glass-box method to learn highly combinatorial functions [JuliaCon 2021]
- QUBOConstraints.jl: a package to automatically learn QUBO matrices from optimization constraints.
Applications are not limited to Constraint Programming, but are focused on it.