JuliaCon 2023

Pietro Monticone

Main Activities

  • Mathematics at the University of Trento;
  • Mathematical, statistical and computational modelling of complex systems at the Interdisciplinary Physics Team (InPhyT);
  • Developing FOSS at InPhyT, UniTO-SEPI, JuliaEpi, JuliaHealth, JuliaGraphs;
  • Working on NeuronalModelling.jl: a flexible and high-performance computational framework for the specification, calibration and simulation of quantitative single-neuron models;
  • Learning about automated theorem provers and interactive proof assistants to formalise, digitise and verify mathematical assertions.

Main Contacts


MultilayerGraphs.jl: Multilayer Network Science in Julia
Pietro Monticone, Claudio Moroni

MultilayerGraphs.jl is a Julia package for the creation, manipulation and analysis of multilayer graphs, which have been adopted to model a wide range of complex systems from bio-chemical to socio-technical networks.

We will synthetically introduce multilayer network science, illustrate some of the main features of the current version of the package and talk about its future developments.
