JuliaCon 2023

Welcome to Genie 6!
2023-07-27 , 26-100

Learn about the new productivity features and performance improvements in Genie 6, the new major Genie release of 2023!

Following on its yearly major release cycle, Genie 6 brings a wealth of new features and performance improvements. This talk will take you through a whirlwind tour of the best additions to Genie that you can not miss! We'll cover everything from the new routing features, powerful additions to the UI libraries, extended support for cookies and sessions, improved caching, and enhanced database support -- to new exciting features, like static website generation.

We'll see how to take advantage of these exciting updates in your apps, but also how to navigate the breaking changes and successfully upgrade your Genie app from version 5.

Adrian Salceanu is the creator and lead maintainer of Genie Framework. An enthusiastic Julia open source contributor and public speaker, Adrian is the author of "Julia Programming Projects" (Packt, 2018) and "Web Development with Julia and Genie" (Packt, 2022).

Adrian has over two decades of professional work experience as a web developer and software architect, leading agile teams in developing, scaling, and maintaining business critical, data-intensive web applications. He has Masters degrees in Advanced Computer Science and Computing.

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