JuliaCon 2023

Interacting with reality: Julia and Jetson Nano.
2023-07-26 , Online talks and posters

In this work, the first steps for the creation of a Julia package for the interaction with the GPIO and camera ports of a Jetson Nano are presented.
The input and output modes of the GPIO ports are addressed, while the problem of reading data using PWM is discussed.
In addition, interaction with the camera module for the Jetson Nano using the Julia interface is shown.

Julia's community has grown rapidly in recent years, however, it is important to remember what a privilege it is to be able to use these new technologies. For this reason, by expanding the use of Julia to low-cost computers that are easy to transport, it opens the possibilities of who can use and learn about Julia, especially in rural areas or areas with difficult access to technology.
It is common for museums or science fairs to show interactive projects so that the non-science community has a more realistic approach and not just what is seen in books. This is why we believe that the interaction of Julia and reality could be a great opportunity in terms of education and the dissemination of science and technology.

In this project, a package is developed to be able to use the GPIO and camera ports included in the Jetson Nano, from the NVIDIA company.
Julia's interaction with the Jetson Nano's GPIO ports is shown in a variety of ways, including the use of LEDs, buttons, the camera module, and a variety of sensors.
This small-sized computer was chosen because it includes a graphics card, with which you can interact very easily with Julia, and thus expand the scope of projects carried out.

Physicist by day, Data Scientist by night. I like programming, electronics and building Legos.