JuliaCon 2023

Tools and techniques of working with tabular data
2023-07-27 , 32-144

The objective of this minisymposium is to gather people interested in working with tabular data to allow them to discuss various aspects of the Julia ecosystem in this area.

The list of talks is scheduled as follows:

Session 1 (10:30-11:30):

  • What is new in DataFrames.jl - highlights of 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 releases. (Bogumił Kamiński)
  • Parallelizing your data with Dagger and DTables (Julian Samaroo)
  • Working with geographical data using DataFrames.jl (Przemysław Szufel)

Session 2 (11:30-12:30):

  • Ingesting larger data in Julia: evolution of JSON (Jacob Quinn)
  • Tips & tricks for printing tables using PrettyTables.jl. (Ronan Arraes J. Chagas)

Session 3 (14:00-15:00):

  • Tidier.jl: Bringing the Tidyverse to Julia (Karandeep Singh)
  • Timeseries data manipulation using TSFrames.jl. (Chirag Anand)

I am a researcher in the fields of operations research and computational social science.
For development I mostly use the Julia language.

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