Juliacon 2024

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Unnamed user
  • TulipaEnergyModel.jl: An efficient and flexible energy model
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Aaron Trowbridge
  • Piccolo.jl: an integrated stack for quantum optimal control
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Aayush Sabharwal
  • SymbolicIndexingInterface.jl: Symbolic Indexing for Everyone
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Abel Soares Siqueira

Research Software Engineer.
Co-creator of JuliaSmoothOptimizers.

  • JSOSuite.jl: one-stop solution for optimization
  • Best practices for package development using BestieTemplate.jl
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Aditi Raviraj Burse

I am Aditi Raviraj Burse

  • Julia-Powered Computerized Cognitive Rehabilitation for Children
  • Forecasting Mental Wellness of Students using Julia
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Adrian Hill

PhD student in the Machine Learning Group at TU Berlin.
Interested in in automatic differentiation, explainability and dynamical systems.

  • Personal website: adrianhill.de
  • GitHub profile: @adrhill
  • Project spotlight
  • What's new with Explainable AI in Julia?
  • Gradients for everyone: a quick guide to autodiff in Julia
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Ahmed ElGazzar

Ahmed is a postdoctoral reseacher at the donders institute for brain cognition and behaviour. His research focuses on modelling and control of complex adaptive systems.

  • NeuroDynamics.jl: Next generation models in neuroscience
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Alain Chancé

Alain Chancé is founder and CEO Quantalain SASU and Alainquant LLC, business management consulting startups. He is Chief Business, Marketing Officer and Co-founder MolKet which offers cloud-based software with AI services and solutions for molecular modeling and design using quantum and high-performance computing (HPC).

He has been a keynote co-speaker at the WAICF in Cannes, France, 9 Feb 2024, 16:35 PM to 17:00 PM CET and a co-speaker at the Quantum Innovation Summit, 2024 on 28-29 Feb in Dubai.

Alain is co-author of the book “Quantum Chemistry and Computing for the Curious: Illustrated with Python and Qiskit® code”, Packt Publishing (2022), ISBN-13: 978-1803243900. https://www.google.fr/books/edition/Quantum_Chemistry_and_Computing_for_the/NelvEAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover

Alain has authored the paper "Quantum Permutation Pad with Qiskit Runtime". In: Femmam, S., Lorenz, P. (eds) Recent Advances in Communication Networks and Embedded Systems. ICCNT 2022. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 205. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-59619-3_12

He is an IEEE Senior member, a society affiliate American Chemical Society (ACS), and a member of the American Physical Society (APS).

Alain is a Qiskit® Advocate and is an IBM Certified Associate Developer - Quantum Computation using Qiskit®v0.2X since 2021.

He has over 30 years of experience in major enterprise transformation projects with a focus on data management and governance gained in major management consulting firms.

He has a Master’s Degree in Science & Executive Engineering from École des Mines de Saint-Étienne in France (1981).

  • Simulating quantum molecular dynamics with Julia
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Alan Correa

A PhD candidate at Chair of Methods for Model-based Development in Computational Engineering at RWTH Aachen University. I am working on advancing Forward Solvers for Thin Film Free Surface Flows over Complex Geometry. This project involves working at the intersection of Numerical Methods for solving thickness-integrated Shallow Water Equations (Surface PDEs), Computational Geometry, and Automatic Differentiation. I'm also a strong proponent of Open Science and Open Source Research Software.

  • Seamless Reproducibility of Complex Simulation Workflows
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Albert Brincker Olson
  • Fast parameter estimation with PhysicsInformedRegression.jl
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Alberto Mengali

Alberto received his Ph.D. in satellite communications at the University of Luxembourg in 2018.
Since 2018 he joined the European Space Agency in the Netherlands as a Communication Systems and Technologies engineer, where he worked extensively on system level simulations regarding precoding/beamforming, 5G over satellite and digital payload optimization.

Alberto's current interests are in the fields of System Level Simulations, Active Antennas, digital signal processing and the Julia programming language.

  • 🎈 Pluto.jl – Interactive package development and debugging
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Albert R. Gnadt

Albert R. Gnadt

  • Real‑Time Airborne Magnetic Navigation with MagNav.jl
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Alejandra Ramirez

I am doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Germany.
I am currently working on topics related to Dynamical Systems, Evolutionary Game Theory and Agent-Based Modelling.
I am passionate about coding and to be part of the Julia community has been a wonderful experience!

  • Modelling population dynamics with Julia
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Alesia Herasimenka

Research Associate, University of Luxembourg

  • Trajectory optimisation in space mechanics with Julia
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Alexander Demin

I am a senior at HSE University in Russia. I major in mathematics and computer science.

  • Model reparametrization with StructuralIdentifiability.jl
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Alexander Leong
  • Optimization Methods for Robot Motion Planning in JuMP
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Alireza Shefaei


  • multiobjective stochastic storage design of rainwater harvesting
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Anant Thazhemadam

Anant is a software engineer at JuliaHub, where he works on the JuliaSim suite of products and contributes to open-source Julia ecosystems, primarily SciML. Anant is also easily nerd-sniped.

  • Renovating Automated Dependency Management in Julia
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Anas Abdelrehim
  • Modern CI/CD Machine Learning workflows using Julia
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Ander Murua
  • Few-body integrator with time-reversible adaptivity in Julia
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Andreas Bøgh Poulsen

Danish mathematician, interested in bringing ideas from algebra and algebraic geometry to the world of software.

  • Julia for the working mathematician: parametric Gröbner bases
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Andreas Hafver
  • Tsetlin.jl – Tsetlin Machines in Julia
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Andreas Hildebrandt
  • Teaching Structural Bioinformatics with BiochemicalAlgorithms.jl
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Andreas Kröpelin

My GitHub profile

Hi! I'm a PhD student at University Hospital Jena, Germany, conducting research on computational structural biology. We are interested in reconstructing the conformational movement of large biomolecules from cryo-EM images. Methodically, we employ Bayesian probabilistic inference. If that's up your alley, let's have a chat!

At JuliaCon, I will be talking about another passion of mine, how code and text fit together.

  • Jlyfish: Reproducible documents with Julia and Typst
  • Literate package development using Pluto
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Andrés Riedemann
  • ProcessSimulator.jl: A Differentiable Chemical Process Simulator
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Andrew Claster

Andrew Claster has 25 years of experience as a survey researcher, including 6 years managing the Julia User & Developer Survey and 9 years with JuliaHub. Andrew served as Deputy Chief Analytics Officer for the Barack Obama re-election campaign in 2011-2012.

  • Julia User & Developer Survey 2024
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Andrew Fitzgibbon, FRS

Andrew Fitzgibbon has been closely involved in the delivery of three ground-breaking computer vision and machine learning systems over two decades. In 2000, he was computer vision lead on the Emmy-award-winning 3D camera tracker “Boujou”; in 2009 he introduced large-scale synthetic training data to Kinect for Xbox 360, and in 2019 was science lead on the team that shipped fully articulated hand tracking on HoloLens 2. His passion is bringing the power of mathematics to the crucible of real-world engineering. He has numerous research awards, including ten “best paper” prizes at leading conferences, and is a Fellow of the UK’s Royal Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Society.

  • AI Hardware and Real-world AI
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Andy Goldschmidt

Andy J. Goldschmidt is an IC Postdoc at the University of Chicago. He works on methods for automated quantum control and calibration in the Department of Computer Science with Fred Chong.

  • Piccolo.jl: an integrated stack for quantum optimal control
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Angeline Aguinaldo

I am a Computer Science PhD Candidate at the University of Maryland, College Park (web) focusing on AI and robotics. My research leverages category theory to develop formal methods for modular plan composition, knowledge-based task planning, and plan migrations.

I am also a research staff member at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory where I have designed and implemented prototype software platforms that support image analysis for humanitarian and disaster relief (info), test and evaluation of metagenomic classifiers (info), and data integration and analysis of social media and other publicly available information.

  • 'What's the plan?', asked my robot
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Annegret Pohle
  • Subglacial water flow simulations on GPUs
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Anshul Singhvi

Julia developer in data visualization and geospatial.

  • GeometryOps.jl: Building a Comprehensive Native Geometry Package
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April Herwig

I am a mathematician located at the Technical University Munich (TUM) in the department for numerics of complex systems.

  • Fast, Elegant, Set-oriented Numerical Analysis using GAIO.jl
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Arno Strouwen

Research Scientist at JuliaHub.
Interested in optimal data gathering strategies for SciML applications.

  • Bayesian non-linear mixed effects model for safer powder storage
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Arseniy Kholod

I am a student in RWTH Aachen university majoring in computational engineering science.

  • Secure numerical computations using fully homomorphic encryption
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Artur Garcia Saez
  • Extrae.jl: Advance profiling of Julia code in HPC clusters
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Ashutosh Bharambe

I am a software developer at JuliaHub, where I work on JuliaSim. I received my bachelor's degree in Electronics And Communication Engineering from IIT Roorkee.

  • HighDimPDE.jl: Solving high dimensional PDEs using deep learning
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Átila Saraiva Quintela Soares

I'm currently a PhD student in Physics applied to Geophysics in the Signal Analysis and Imaging Group, at the University of Alberta. Both my bachelor and master's are in Geophysics, from the Universidade Federal da Bahia, in Brazil. My interests are HPC, Seismic imaging and inversion, and Julia!

  • SequentialCompression.jl: Out-of-core multi array compression
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Attilio Donà

Senior Software Architect at TIM

  • Rembus.jl: a Pub/Sub and Remote Procedure Call middleware
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August Guang

August obtained their PhD from Brown in 2017 in Applied Mathematics and Computational Biology. Outside of work they organize against criminalization and the police state. Both their research practices and organizing work are guided by the belief that crisis and uncertainty are a gift and that we must be involved in shaping how change happens.

  • A Deferred Acceptance propensity score package in Julia
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Augustin Muster

Augustin Muster is PhD student in theoretical/numerical physics in the Soft Matter and Photonics research group at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

  • CoupledElectricMagneticDipoles.jl
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Avik Sengupta

Avik leads software engineering at JuliaHub, is a contributor to open source Julia and maintainer of several Julia packages. Avik is the author of Julia High Performance, co-founder of two artificial intelligence start-ups in the financial services sector and creator of large complex trading systems for the world's leading investment banks.

  • Julia in Air Gapped Environments
  • Horus - Robust Background Jobs in Julia
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Avinash Subramanian

Software Engineer - Simulation, Control and Optimization at JuliaHub

  • ProcessSimulator.jl: A Differentiable Chemical Process Simulator
  • How a Julia Backend Accelerates Model Based App Development
  • JuliaSim HVAC: Composing thermo-fluid modeling with SciML
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Bart De Clerck

Bart DE CLERCK has a background in engineering and works as a teaching assistant within the SMAC (Simulation Modelling and Analysis of Complex systems) unit of the Department of Mathematics at the Royal Military Academy (RMA). He’s also pursuing a joint PhD between the RMA and Ghent University (Complex Systems Institute). His main research areas are network science and AI applications for intelligence.

  • MaxEntropyGraphs.jl: Random Graphs with JuliaGraphs
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Bart Janssens

Bart Janssens is a military associate professor at the mechanics department of the Royal Military Academy, with a passion for computer graphics, high performance computing and fluid mechanics.

  • What's new in QML.jl
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Ben Curran

Mathematician and data scientist, interested in using Julia for high performance computing and cloud workflows

  • Julia at Fugro
  • LASDatasets.jl: A Centralised Package for Handling LAS Data
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Benedict Geihe

Studies in Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bonn, Germany
Dissertation, Institute for Numerical Simulation, University of Bonn, Germany
Research Assistant, Institute of Propulsion Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Division of Mathematics, University of Cologne, Germany

  • libtrixi: Serving legacy Fortran codes with simulations in Julia
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Bernat Font

Assistant Professor in Data Science and Machine Learning for Ship Hydrodynamics at Delft University of Technology.

  • A fast and flexible CFD solver with heterogeneous execution
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Bert de Vries

Bert de Vries received MSc (1986) and PhD (1991) degrees in Electrical Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and the University of Florida, respectively. From 1992 to 1999, he worked as a research scientist at Sarnoff Research Center in Princeton (NJ, USA). Since 1999, he has been employed in the hearing aid industry, both in engineering and managerial positions. De Vries was appointed professor in the Signal Processing Systems Group at TU/e in 2012. His research focuses on the development of intelligent autonomous agents that learn from in-situ interactions with their environment. We aim to use these agents to automate the development of novel signal processing and control algorithms, see biaslab.org. Our research draws inspiration from diverse fields including computational neuroscience, Bayesian machine learning, and signal processing systems. A current major application area concerns the personalization of medical signal processing systems such as hearing aid algorithms.

  • Natural Artificial Intelligence
  • ExponentialFamilyManifolds.jl: Advancing Probabilistic Modeling
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Boris Kaus

Professor of Geodynamics and Geophysics at the Johannes-Gutenberg University of Mainz (Germany). Interested in using computational models to understand geoscientific processes such as the formation of fault zones, mountain belts, magmatic processes, volcanic eruptions as well as using computational models to estimate the long-term stability of geological reservoirs.

  • Developing Supercomputing Geoscience Applications using Julia
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Bradley Carman

Brad Carman, Director of Consulting Services at JuliaHub, is a Mechanical Engineer with over 20 years of system modeling experience at ITW and Instron working on model based design and software applications for hydraulics, controls, heat transfer, vibrations, etc.

  • How a Julia Backend Accelerates Model Based App Development
  • Updates to Standard Library & The Native DSL of ModelingToolkit
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Bram Spanoghe
  • PlantModules.jl: a package for modular plant growth modeling
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Caleb Allen

Caleb Allen is a software engineer with experience developing applications and tools, primarily in startups. He especially enjoys building tools and infrastructure that make software development more enjoyable and productive.

  • TSearch: An Experimental Search System for the Julia Community
  • Jurassic REPL: vi Finds a Way
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Carlo Brunelli
  • Variational Multiscale Method in Julia for airfoils simulations
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Carsten Bauer

Carsten is a postdoctoral theoretical physicist from Cologne, Germany, and a Senior HPC Scientist within the German National High-Performance Computing Alliance (NHR) at the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2).

  • Hands-on with Julia for HPC on GPUs and CPUs
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Charles Marois

I am currently enrolled as a graduate student in applied mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal in Canada. My research focuses on fitting extreme statistical models to climate models in order to better predict the occurrences of natural hazards like extreme rainfalls or heat waves. Ultimately, my research will benefit governments and engineers so that new infrastructure and urban planning can withstand extreme events. On another level, I also work as a senior software engineer at Coveo, a genAI platform that creates relevant experiences for customers online.

  • Bias correcting methods for climate models
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Chris Rackauckas

Dr. Chris Rackauckas is the VP of Modeling and Simulation at JuliaHub, the Director of Scientific Research at Pumas-AI, Co-PI of the Julia Lab at MIT, and the lead developer of the SciML Open Source Software Organization. For his work in mechanistic machine learning, his work is credited for the 15,000x acceleration of NASA Launch Services simulations and recently demonstrated a 60x-570x acceleration over Modelica tools in HVAC simulation, earning Chris the US Air Force Artificial Intelligence Accelerator Scientific Excellence Award. See more at https://chrisrackauckas.com/. He is the lead developer of the Pumas project and has received a top presentation award at every ACoP in the last 3 years for improving methods for uncertainty quantification, automated GPU acceleration of nonlinear mixed effects modeling (NLME), and machine learning assisted construction of NLME models with DeepNLME. For these achievements, Chris received the Emerging Scientist award from ISoP.

  • Hierarchical Component-Based Modeling with ModelingToolkit.jl
  • JuliaSim: Bringing Julia to Industrial Modeling and Simulation
  • Model-based Design for System Product Development
  • State of Julia's SciML Ecosystem
  • Docs, CI Tests, Error Messages, and Interfaces in Julia's SciML
  • Needs and Next Steps for Julia's SciML
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Christian Hower

Christian Hower is a Senior Data Scientist at Lexis Nexis focused on using data science to drive commercial outcomes.

  • Strategic Data Handling in Julia
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Claire Foster

Claire is a long time enthusiastic user of Julia and enjoys contributing to various
packages across the open source ecosystem, Julia standard libraries and
compiler. She love hearing about people's fascinating technical computing
adventures of all types! Find her at https://github.com/c42f

  • Dude, where's my code?
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Cody Tapscott

Compiler engineer at JuliaHub. Heavily interested in the intersection of static and dynamic languages.

  • Writing allocation-free Julia code with AllocCheck.jl
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Colin Swaney

Colin Swaney is a Senior Research Software Engineer at Princeton University's Data-Driven Social Science Initiative. His research and development interests revolve around simulation, generative models and the application of machine learning to large social datasets.

  • TotalViewITCH.jl - Parse the messages in Julia!
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Cris Moen

Cris Moen is CEO and President of RunToSolve LLC, a software R&D company founded in 2019 that specializing in structural system analysis and design automation. He completed his Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins University (2004-2008) focusing on thin-walled structures.

  • Steel thin-walled structural analysis and design with Julia
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Curtis Vogt

Julia contributor since 2014. Have developed several Julia packages including TimeZones.jl and Mocking.jl. Currently working with Beacon Biosignals as a contractor.

  • Ray.jl: Julia runtime and client for the Ray compute framework
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Daniel Doehring

I am a PhD student in applied math/scientific computing at RWTH Aachen University (ACoM Lab of Prof. Torrilhon).

  • Towards Aerodynamic Simulations in Julia with Trixi.jl
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Darren Colby

Darren Colby is an MS candidate in computational analysis and public policy at the University of Chicago. His public policy focus area is international security and development and he is motivated by the prospect of using machine learning and statistics to answer important questions and solve challenges in international security. He also holds an AB in government from Dartmouth College and previously served as an information systems specialist in the US Army for six years.

  • Causal Machine Learning with CausalELM
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Darshana Abeyrathna Kuruge

Darshana completed his BSc in Mechatronics Engineering at AIT university, Thailand in 2015. Then he joined the Big Data research group at Thammasat University, Thailand for his MSc studies and graduated in 2017. Darshana completed his PhD in Computer Science, specializing in Machine Learning, from the University of Agder, Norway, in 2022. His research interests are in Tsetlin Machine, Artificial Neural Networks, Data Mining, Optimization, and Operations Research. Currently, at DNV, he is working as a senior researcher.

  • Tsetlin.jl – Tsetlin Machines in Julia
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Dave Kleinschmidt

Research Scientist at Beacon Biosignals and recovering academic.

  • Ray.jl: Julia runtime and client for the Ray compute framework
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Dhairya Gandhi
  • Modern CI/CD Machine Learning workflows using Julia
  • Train a Llama(2) in Julia!
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Diego Javier Zea

Associate Professor at Université Paris-Saclay, interested in protein structure, interactions, and evolution.

  • MIToS Evolution: Riding the Bioinformatics Wave
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Diego Tejada

I'm an electrical engineer with extensive experience in modeling and analyzing power systems. My expertise includes developing optimization models for unit commitment, generation, and transmission expansion planning. My doctoral thesis focused on the optimization of energy storage systems under large-scale renewable penetration.

  • TulipaEnergyModel.jl: An efficient and flexible energy model
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Dmitry Bagaev
  • What's new with GraphPPL.jl?
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Domenico Lahaye

Faculty member at the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics at the Technical University of Delft.

  • Finite Element Modeling of Magnetic Fields in Julia
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Dr. Megan Dawson

Dr. Megan Dawson is the Modelling Automation Team lead at Fugro, responsible for numerous cloud based HPC workflows efficiently processing large amounts of geo-data. With 15 years experience in industry her passion is problem solving to developing practical (and production-able) solutions.

  • Julia at Fugro
  • LASDatasets.jl: A Centralised Package for Handling LAS Data
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Elliot Saba

Elliot has been a core developer on the Julia language project for over ten years. He is one of the primary authors of the BinaryBuilder.jl project and associated efforts. He is currently the Director of EDA Engineering at JuliaHub, working on the CedarEDA suite of circuit simulation tools.

  • BinaryBuilder 2: Return of the Compilers
  • BinaryBuilder BoF
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Elliot Saba
  • State of Julia 2024
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elmongi elbellili

I am a PhD student in computer science at KU Leuven. My research involves cycles detection in quantized state methods. I am also interested in numerical integration, differential equations, and simulation.

  • QSS: a solver for a large sparse stiff discontinuous system
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Emanuel Lima

Senior Research Software Engineer at Block Science, focusing on performant simulation software

  • cadCAD.jl: A Modeling Library for Generalized Dynamical Systems
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Erik Faulhaber

PhD Student in the Numerical Simulation Group at University of Cologne, Germany.

  • Julia for Particle-Based Multiphysics with TrixiParticles.jl
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Erin Acquesta

Erin C.S. Acquesta is a Mathematician and Principal Member of the Technical Staff with the Applied Information Sciences Center at Sandia National Laboratories. She received her MS and PhD from North Carolina State University in the field of applied mathematics. Her research areas of interest include scientific machine learning, uncertainty quantification, sensitivity analysis, and machine learning explainability; with an emphasis on providing credible, adaptive, and interpretable modeling capabilities for enhanced situational awareness in support of national security decision-making. Her primary domain area of expertise focuses on the mathematical properties of infectious disease models. As an area of professional service, she is a member of the ASME VVUQ standards committee, writing definitions for verification, validation, uncertainty quantification, and credibility for machine-learned models. She also volunteers her time for educational outreach as a mentor and head referee for the Albuquerque VEX VRC Robotics League and NM State VEX VRC Robotics Competitions.

  • Interpretable Hierarchical Calibration of Agent-Based Models
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Fabian Gans

I am a physicist by training and am currently studying Global Biogeochemical Cycles in the Earth System using Remote Sensing, Meteorological and other data sets based at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany.
My first commit to my first Julia package dates back to the year 2012 and since then I have authored and contributed to packages in the Julia Geodata and processing ecosystem, examples are NetCDF.jl, Zarr.jl, DiskArrays.jl, YAXArrays.jl EarthDataLab.jl and others. Some may know me under my github tag @meggart

  • Scientific Data Minisymposium
  • PyramidScheme.jl overviews for larger than memory arrays
  • DiskArrays.jl for working with large disk-based nd-arrays
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Felix Cremer

Felix Cremer received his diploma in mathematics from the University of Leipzig in 2014. In 2016 he started his PhD study on time series analysis of hypertemporal Sentinel-1 radar data.
He is interested in the use of irregular time series tools on Synthetic Aperture Radar data to derive more robust information from these data sets.
He worked on the development of deforestation mapping algorithms and on flood mapping in the amazon using Sentinel-1 data.
He currently works at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry on the development of the JuliaDataCubes ecosystem in the scope of the NFDI4Earth project. The JuliaDataCubes organisation provides easy to use interfaces for the use of multi dimensional raster data

  • JuliaGeo BoF: shared interfaces and plans for geospatial julia
  • PyramidScheme.jl overviews for larger than memory arrays
  • DiskArrays.jl for working with large disk-based nd-arrays
  • Strategies to Integrate Data and Biogeochemical models
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Felix Wechsler

Felix Wechsler is a doctoral candidate at the EPFL in Lausanne in the LAPD led by Christophe Moser.
His work focuses around computational methods for 3D printing with light.

Link to Personal Webpage

  • Wave and Ray Optics for Light Based Tomographic 3D printing
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Filippos Christou
  • Building a customized application dashboard with Pluto.jl
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Firoozeh Dastur

I am an algebraic and tropical geometer who has developed interest in algorithms and architectures for high performance computing and computer algebra systems.

  • DistributedWorkflow.jl - A task-based workflow system interface
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Fons van der Plas
  • 🎈 Pluto.jl – is scientific computing accessible?
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Frames Catherine White

Frames has been creating cursed Julia code since 2014. Her particular interests are compiler stuff, automatic differentiation, machine learning and optimization. She maintains more Julia packages than she can count. She has a PhD in natural language processing, and undergraduate degrees in electrical engineering, pure mathematics, and computation.
She has worked at Invenia Labs (RSE team), JuliaHub (CedarEDA), and literally next week is starting at Cell Bauhaus a cell modeling startup.

  • Adventures in Julia IR: Plundering Core.Compiler
  • CedarEDA tutorial: a fresh approach to circuit simulation
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Francesco Martinuzzi

I am currently pursuing a PhD in Physics and Earth Sciences at Leipzig University, Germany, and Valencia, Spain, as a member of the ELLIS PhD program. My research focuses on the application of machine learning in Earth systems. I am part of the team at the Remote Sensing Center for Earth System Research (RSC4Earth), working under the supervision of Prof. Miguel D. Mahecha and Dr. Karin Mora. In addition, I have an affiliation with the Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (ScaDS.AI).

  • Enabling Spectral Indices Computation with SpectralIndices.jl
  • Discussion: Earth and climate science in Julia
  • Earth and climate science in Julia: Power to the user
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Francesc Verdugo

Assistant Professor. Department of Computer Science. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

  • Parallel algebraic multigrid in Julia with PartitionedArrays.jl
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Fredrik Bagge Carlson

I received my MSc and PhD 2019 from the Dept. Automatic Control in Lund, Sweden, working within the fields of control, machine learning and robotics. I have since spent a year with the Acoustic Research Laboratory at NUS and subsequently made the transition to industry, working with dynamic modeling, control and programming-language design in a robotics context. I am now working with JuliaHub on software tools for acausal modeling, simulation, optimization and control in the Julia programming language.

  • Modeling and simulation of sampled-data systems
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Fredrik Ekre

Software Engineer at JuliaHub.

  • Writing and maintaining an exceptional Documentation
  • Pkg en route: the logistics behind the package manager
  • Service monitoring with Prometheus.jl
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Gabriel Baraldi

Compiler engineer at JuliaHub and open source enthusiast.

  • Writing allocation-free Julia code with AllocCheck.jl
  • New Ways to Compile Julia
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Gabriel Destouet
  • High Resolution Flux Estimation with TurbulenceFlux.jl
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Gabriel Weymouth
  • A fast and flexible CFD solver with heterogeneous execution
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2nd year PhD student at IRISA (Institute for Research in Computer Science and Random Systems) interested in compilers and FPGA.

  • Julia meets Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
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Gajendra Deshpande

Gajendra Deshpande is a distinguished professional with an M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, along with a PG Diploma in Cyber Law and Cyber Forensics from the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru. He founded and currently manages EyeSec Cyber Security Solutions Private Limited in Belagavi.

Deshpande is renowned for his extensive contribution to the tech community, having delivered over 100 talks and conducted more than 25 workshops at various esteemed international conferences, including JuliaCon 2023 at MIT, USA, EuroPython Ireland, PyCon MEA Dubai, PyCon APAC Japan, PyData Global, and many more across Europe, Asia and the USA. His expertise has guided teams to victory in the Smart India Hackathon and National Security Hackathon five times.

As an active member of PyCon India, Deshpande has played crucial roles, such as leading the Program Committee in 2021 and serving as the Mentorship Lead in 2023. He has been instrumental in organizing FOSSCon India 2019 and BelPy conferences. His commitment extends to various professional bodies, serving as the Vice Chair of the IEEE Young Professionals Affinity Group, Bangalore Section, and an Execom Member of IEEE NKSS. He is a Fellow Member of the Royal Statistical Society UK and maintains memberships with OWASP, the British Computer Society, and ACM. Deshpande has significantly contributed to Python, Julia, and FOSS Conferences by reviewing proposals, mentoring speakers, engaging in discussions, and organizing events.

  • Investigating Crimes using Julia
  • Static Analysis of Julia Code
  • Large Language Models: To Be or Not To Be
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Gareth Thomas

Gareth Thomas (LinkedIn) is one of the Co-Founders of VersionBay with the vision to empower companies to make the most of their software stacks. He is mainly responsible for Business Development, Sales and Marketing.

Gareth is very passionate about technology and is fueled by enthusiastic new ideas and thoughts. The decision to start VersionBay is due to his continuous will to embrace change, to adapt and to live life with no regrets.

Gareth was born in Johannesburg but has lived in 7 different countries, of which his favorite country was Macau. He loves traveling and exploring new places with different people. One of the most marking moments in his life was when he traveled alone to New York. While walking in the streets of Manhattan he realized that anything would be possible if you really want it.

He started his career after graduating in 2005, as a MSc. Electrical Engineer – specialized in Control Theory from Instituto Superior Técnico (now known as Técnico Lisboa). It was during his time at University that he was first exposed to MATLAB. He started using Julia in 2022, as he is the one of the main drivers of the Julia Community in the Eindhoven region.

  • MATLAB |> Julia 😊
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Gary Mansouri

Gary Mansouri is a Technical Fellow of The Boeing Company, located in Seattle, WA and currently serves as the Chief Architect of Systems MBE (Model Based Engineering). Gary specializes in systems modeling and simulation, systems architectures, model based technologies and model based design for vertical and non-vertical systems product development to improve safety and first pass quality. Gary’s primary focus is on implementation of earlier and longer defect discovery phase, much earlier verification test maturity, earlier and higher fidelity system integration, early functional rapid prototyping to validate requirements, improved model fidelity and IP protection, increased reuse of functions, earlier design maturity and standardization while dramatically reducing non-recurring development cost and cycle time. Gary has a strong technical background in a wide range of subjects including multi-disciplinary dynamic systems behavioral modeling and simulation, integrated vehicle systems architectures, actuators and sensors, real-time and non-real-time algorithm development, adaptive control systems design and analysis, digital signal processing, embedded systems, certified flight software development, model based system functional rapid-prototyping and modeling for code pattern development for software architecture definition, design model optimization for production autocode generation and target specific embedded performance, validation and verification and systems integration. Gary has broad engineering experience in Avionics, Electrical Subsystems, Actuation and Flight Controls and he has contributed to many programs in various technical and business leadership roles.

  • JuliaSim: Bringing Julia to Industrial Modeling and Simulation
  • Model-based Design for System Product Development
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George Datseris

I am an applied physicist/mathematician with a broad interest in nonlinear dynamics and complex systems and their application to understand the physical world at a conceptual level. My main focus in my research is understanding the interaction of clouds, climate variability, and climate multistability. Besides research, I am the lead developer of the JuliaDynamics software organization, an advocate of open source code and good scientific code practices in academia, and passionate about teaching applied physics/mathematics with a fresh, hands-on computational style

  • Writing and maintaining an exceptional Documentation
  • Attractors.jl: next-gen (multi-)stability analysis
The speaker’s profile picture
Gerd Steinebach

Gerd Steinebach is Professor of Mathematics at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. He teaches mathematical foundations, modelling and simulation in the Department of Engineering and Communication. His research interests lie in the field of numerical methods for differential equation systems and their applications. In particular, he focuses on mathematical modelling and simulation of water, gas and energy networks.

  • Rosenbrock methods within OrdinaryDiffEq.jl
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Gerhard Dorn

Gerhard Dorn is a senior scientist at Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH in Austria with a background in mathematics and computational physics.
Within the project AI4CSM Gerhard works on LIDAR perception and the integration into the test vehicle Ford Mondeo.
Gerhard is an active member of the 🎈 Pluto.jl and ⚡ PlutoUI.jl development community and likes to organize workshops as community manager.

  • 🎈 Pluto - Teaching with Pluto
  • 🚗 Integrating Julia for Perception task in autonomous driving
The speaker’s profile picture
Germán Abrevaya

I am a Physics PhD student at the University of Buenos Aires, in constant collaboration with Mila and IBM. My research is centered on Scientific Machine Learning (SciML), specifically on how to effectively incorporate prior knowledge into time series machine learning models through differential equations in order to enhance performance, interpretability, and data efficiency.

I've been applying my models to decode and predict human brain dynamics, but these general methods can be applied to many other domains such as wearables, biomarkers, digital twins, climate, finance, and other applications involving complex high dimensional time series data.

I am currently in the last months of my PhD program and open to interesting job opportunities.

  • Raising the Ki of a SciML model
The speaker’s profile picture
Giacomo Aloisi

I am a PhD student in Seismology at ETH Zurich, my main interests are in numerical methods for solving PDEs (especially for wave simulations) and Full-Waveform Inversion.

  • SeismicWaves.jl: a wave simulation package for FWI on multi-xPUs
The speaker’s profile picture
Giovanni Pagliarini

Finishing a PhD with focus on Symbolic Learning and Logic in AI!
Enthusiast about Julia!!

  • Symbolic AI workflows with Sole.jl
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Glenn Moynihan

Research Software Engineer @beacon.bio

  • Ray.jl: Julia runtime and client for the Ray compute framework
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Graeme Stewart

I am a high energy physicist working at the European Laboratory for Nuclear Research, CERN. I have had a strong involvement in software throughout my working life, contributing to the ATLAS experiment in recent years. I work closely with the High Energy Physics Software Foundation (HSF). Recently I started to work more and more in Julia, which I think shows tremendous promise for high energy physics.

  • Jet Reconstruction in Julia
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Greg Peairs

Research scientist working on the design and simulation of quantum hardware at the AWS Center for Quantum Computing.

  • Computer-Aided Design of Quantum Integrated Circuits
The speaker’s profile picture
Guillaume Dalle

Postdoctoral researcher at EPFL (Switzerland) in the INDY, IdePHICS and SPOC labs.
Currently working on graph machine learning.
Active member of the JuliaGraphs and JuliaDiff organizations.
Personal website: https://gdalle.github.io/

  • Interfaces.jl: base and package interface tests for your objects
  • Fast and generic Hidden Markov Models
  • Gradients for everyone: a quick guide to autodiff in Julia
The speaker’s profile picture
Harry Saxton

I am a final year PhD student from Sheffield Hallam University

Research Summary: Lumped parameter models offer an efficient alternative to assessing a patient’s physiological state, thus
making their utilisation in digital twins appealing. Before the models are utilised on clinically relevant data, one has to understand the dynamics, uncertainty and identifiability embedded in the model, leveraging methodologies in global sensitivity
analysis, orthogonality analysis, profile likelihood and Kalman filtration as means of assessment. The theoretical underpin‑
ning conducted in this work ensures unique, identifiable patient‑specific input parameters.

  • The personalisation of cardiovascuar models using Julia
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Harsha Byadarahalli Mahesh
  • Creating Enterprise grade Desktop applications with Julia
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Helmut Hänsel

Study of Physics
- Universität Konstanz / Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble I)
- 1990 – 1996

PhD in Physical Chemistry / Universität Bayreuth
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- 1996 – 2004

Positions in Merck KGaA, Darmstadt Germany
- Post Doc
- R&D Manager - Liquid Crystal Research
- Senior Expert Data Science
- 2006 – today

  • What's New in GenieFramework?
  • GreenSpeed: Sustainable Chemical Synthesis Right from the Start
The speaker’s profile picture
Hossein Zarei Oshtolagh

PhD researcher at FSU Jena

  • DataToFunctions.jl: Representing transformed data as a function
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Ian Butterworth

CTO-Cofounder at Leuko

  • A cloud-native parallel data processing application in Julia
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Iga Szczesniak

Iga holds an MSc in Geoinformatics from the University of Science and Technology in Krakow and Aalto University, along with a Master's in Space Entrepreneurship. She currently works at the Earth Observation Laboratory of the Atlantic International Research Centre in the data science group, where she applies Julia to solve various geospatial problems.

  • Julia Community Reshapes Computation in Geosciences
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Irina-Nicoleta Bratosin

I am a researcher at National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies -IMT Bucharest and a phD student at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics. My main interests in research are electrical measurements and supercapacitors and I'm interested in expanding my knowledge of Julia towards developing physical and circuit models for supercapacitors.

  • Circuit Model Discovery for Porous Silicon-Based Supercapacitors
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Ivan Borisov

Ivan earned his Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Ivan started his career at IBM East Europe/Asia providing customers with technical support and «proof of concept» implementation of IBM software products. In 2017, Ivan joined InSysBio as mathematician and software developer, where he continues to work until present as senior software developer. Ivan participates in the development of key InSysBio software tools for simulations and analysis of QSP models, namely Julia-based package for simulations and parameters estimation HetaSimulator.jl, practical identifiability toolkit LikelihoodProfiler.jl, packages for Virtual Patients generation, etc. Beyond software development, Ivan is engaged in the enhancement of mathematical and computational methods for QSP modeling.

  • Profile Likelihood-based Practical Identifiability in Julia
  • A Computational Environment for Simulations in Systems Biology
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Ivan Méndez

Mexican mathematician interested in Julia and Geometry Processing

  • EditBoundary.jl - a quest to revive structured quad meshes
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Ivan Utkin
  • Subglacial water flow simulations on GPUs
  • Hands-on with Julia for HPC on GPUs and CPUs
  • Sustainable Development of Stencil-based HPC Applications
  • FastIce.jl: a massively parallel ice flow model running on GPUs
The speaker’s profile picture
Jack Diamond

A data analyst from London, fortunate enough to use Julia as my main language and to get to play with all the cool tools available! A real Julia convert hoping to share one or two cool tricks!

  • Accelerate Insights: Code -> Slides, Faster!
The speaker’s profile picture
Jacob Zelko

Co-Admin for Julia Summer of Code 2024, Leader of the JuliaHealth Organization, Educational Twitch Streamer, Trainee Affiliate at the Roux Institute and Applied Mathematics Graduate student at Northeastern University

  • Diversity Dinner and Discussion
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Jameson Nash
  • `Memory` in Julia
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Jamie Mair

Jamie Mair is a Research & Teaching Fellow at the University of Nottingham, where he instructs the Reinforcement Learning strand of the Machine Learning in Science Master's programme. Throughout his research career, Jamie has advocated for the use of Julia in academic research. He has delivered several internal talks and presentations aiming to introduce Julia to a wider audience. These resources have culminated and been developed into in a comprehensive lecture series, designed for postgraduate students, focusing on High Performance Computing using Julia.

Jamie received his PhD in Machine Learning and Statistical Physics, along with his BSc in Theoretical Physics from the University of Nottingham.

  • MuJoCo.jl: A case study for developing Julia bindings
  • Introducing MuJoCo.jl - Julia bindings for the MuJoCo simulator
The speaker’s profile picture
Janis Erdmanis

I am a full-stack Julia developer with a Ph.D. in physics from TU Delft, and I enjoy simplifying complex concepts and making the impossible possible. I have thorough experience in Julia, HTTP, QML, cryptographic protocols, and system architectures. Find more about me on janiserdmanis.org.

  • Unveiling Full Stack Development with PeaceFounder
  • AppBundler.jl - Bundle your Julia GUI Application
The speaker’s profile picture
Jan Siml

I dabble in many things.

  • AI Wrote This: Discover Generative AI in Julia
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Javier Barbero

I am a Lecturer in Economics at the Department of Economic Analysis at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).

  • SpatialDependence.jl: exploratory spatial data analysis
The speaker’s profile picture

A decision scientist at Merck & Co., Inc.

  • Cost-Efficient Experimental Designs, aka CEEDesigns.jl
The speaker’s profile picture
Jean-Baptiste Caillau

Professor, applied mathematics
Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Inria, LJAD, France

  • Trajectory optimisation in space mechanics with Julia
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Jeff Bezanson

Jeff is a co-creator of the Julia language and co-founder of JuliaHub, Inc.

  • New Ways to Compile Julia
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Jennifer Leclaire

09/2012 - B.Sc. Molecular Biology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
03/2015 - M.Sc. Applied Bioinformatics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

03/2016 - present Research associate in computer science Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

04/2015 - present PhD candidate in computer science Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

I am interested in structural bioinformatics and development of software for applications in this and related fields.

  • Teaching Structural Bioinformatics with BiochemicalAlgorithms.jl
  • Structural Bioinformatics with BiochemicalAlgorithms.jl
The speaker’s profile picture
Jeremie Desgagne-Bouchard

Jeremie is the Head of Science at Evovest. He joined the firm following his work as an applied research scientist at Element AI, where he expanded his deep learning acumen. He spent over 8 years at Intact in various R&D roles as an actuary (FCAS), where he pushed the development of analytical solutions in various areas, including assessment price optimization and telematics. He also has consulting experience at Willis Towers Watson, providing pragmatic solutions to clients.

  • NeuroTree - A differentiable tree operator for tabular data
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Jerry Ling

PhD Student in High-energy Physics @ Harvard LPPC


  • UnROOT.jl - Data I/O for High-Energy Physics in Julia
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JinGuo Liu
  • Tensor network for quantum error correction
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Joachim Brand
  • Projector Monte Carlo and exact diagonalisation with Rimu.jl
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Joanna Zou

PhD Student in Computational Science & Engineering at MIT

  • Cairn.jl: Enhanced Molecular Dynamics for Active Learning
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Joao Pinelo
  • Julia Community Reshapes Computation in Geosciences
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Joe Greener

I am a group leader at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology working on improving molecular simulations. Previously I was a research fellow (postdoc) in the Bioinformatics Group at University College London (UCL) and a PhD student in the Structural Bioinformatics Group at Imperial College London.

My interests include molecular simulation, protein structures, software development and open science. Currently my work aims to use the concept of differentiable programming to improve the force fields used to simulate proteins, enabling us to better study disordered proteins and protein aggregation.

  • Molly.jl: Molecular dynamics in Julia
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Johan Hidding

Research Software Engineer at the Netherlands eScience Center with a background in Cosmology and an obsession with Functional Programming.

  • Natural Science, Computer Modeling and Literate Programming
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Johannes Blaschke

I am an application performance specialist, engaging with scientists to help them optimize their software for large-scale high-performance computing (HPC) environments. I am passionate about helping science teams tackle the problem of deploying their existing algorithms on emergent, highly heterogeneous hardware. I lead the NERSC Science Acceleration Program (NESAP), which works with users to develop workflows for the next generation of HPC systems.

My interests include new high-productivity HPC programming models for distributed programs and hardware accelerators; developing cross-facility workflows; and applying novel simulation techniques to broad range of complex systems, as well as inverse problems.

  • Hands-on with Julia for HPC on GPUs and CPUs
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Jonas Søeborg Nielsen

MSc student at DTU.
Mathematical Modelling and Computation

  • Fast parameter estimation with PhysicsInformedRegression.jl
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Jonathan Hellwig

I am a PhD student at KIT, Germany in the group logic of autonomous dynamical systems. I am interested in combining ideas of formal verification with numerical computation.

  • Automated Theorem Proving with dL in Julia
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Jonathan Salmerón-Hernández

Mexican Ph.D. candidate at the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago.

  • Lyotropic Liquid Crystals: Thermodynamics & Numerical methods
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Jonathan Taylor

Jonathan Taylor is an Associate Staff at MIT Lincoln Laboratory collaborating with the MIT Julia Lab on Magnetic Navigation as an alternative to GPS. His background is in Machine Learning with a focus on NLP, Signal Processing and Navigation.

  • Real‑Time Airborne Magnetic Navigation with MagNav.jl
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Jordan Lawson

Research Software Engineer at Brown University with experience in statistical modeling, software development, and DevOps.

  • A Deferred Acceptance propensity score package in Julia
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Jordi Bolibar

Postdoc researcher at IGE, Université Grenoble Alpes (France)

  • ODINN.jl: Multi-language Geoscientific Machine Learning
  • Discussion: Earth and climate science in Julia
  • Earth and climate science in Julia: Power to the user
The speaker’s profile picture
Jorge Alberto Vieyra Salas

Jorge Vieyra

  • Julia.Kitchen 👨‍🍳: The finest Julia recipes!
  • The cryptography packages in Julia 🔐: What is missing?
  • Newcomers experiences: Why do we need a stricter Julia mode🧐
The speaker’s profile picture
Jorge A. Pérez-Hernández

I currently work as a Flight Dynamics Engineer at the European Space Operations Center in Darmstadt, Germany. As part of my PhD research at Mexico National Autonomous University, I developed TaylorIntegration.jl, in collaboration with Dr. Luis Benet. I enjoy researching asteroid and comet dynamics, high-accuracy orbit determination, astrodynamics and Taylor-mode automatic differentiation.

  • Propagating large orbital uncertainty with TaylorIntegration.jl
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Joris Belier
  • Blending the gap: mixing MATLAB with Julia
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Joris Kraak

Joris is the technical team lead for the JuliaSim applications and product team. He has been building reactive apps in Julia and managing their respective codebases for over a decade.

  • Reactive Programmer Support Group
  • Renovating Automated Dependency Management in Julia
The speaker’s profile picture
Joseph Tindall

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Computational Physics, part of the Flatiron Institute in New York. I have a keen interest in the development of tensor network algorithms for solving quantum many-body problems.

  • ITensorNetworks.jl
The speaker’s profile picture
Josh Day

Josh is a PhD statistician with a passion for technical and scientific programming. His niche is solving math problems on a whiteboard and converting the solution into efficient programs. He maintains a large number of open source Julia packages (notably OnlineStats.jl) as well as the Julia For Data Science blog. Josh has given many Julia talks at many conferences over the years and is a strong advocate for the language.

  • Julia in Air Gapped Environments
The speaker’s profile picture
Julia Gender Inclusive

Julia Gender Inclusive is an initiative to promote gender diversity and inclusion within the wider Julia community. We aim to do this through a combination of community building, targeted outreach, education, mentorship, and mutual support, in the hopes of addressing potential causes of gender under-representation.

We welcome anyone who sees their gender as under-represented within the Julia community, including women, non-binary people, trans people of all genders, and people exploring or questioning their gender. Because gender is multifaceted, we are intentionally being general about what gender under-representation means.

  • Discussing (Gender) Diversity in the Julia Community
The speaker’s profile picture
Julian P Samaroo

I'm a Research Software Engineer at MIT's JuliaLab, working on parallel programming with Dagger.jl and AMDGPU.jl. I love working on low-level runtimes and compilers, as well as building out high-level, user-friendly parallel programming interfaces.

  • Train a Llama(2) in Julia!
  • Applications of Distributed Task Parallelism
  • Productive Parallel Programming with Dagger.jl
The speaker’s profile picture
Julian Trommer

Research scientist @ University of Augsburg, chair of mechatronics
- JulianTrommer
- Chair of Mechatronics

  • MeshGraphNets.jl - Adaptation of MeshGraphNets as NeuralODE
The speaker’s profile picture
Julius Krumbiegel

Product Engineer at Pumas AI
Co-author and co-maintainer of Makie.jl
Creator of packages like Chain.jl, DataFrameMacros.jl and ReadableRegex.jl

  • What's new with Makie.jl?
  • SummaryTables: Publication-ready tables in docx HTML LaTeX Typst
The speaker’s profile picture
Jun Tian

Software Engineer @01.ai

  • Evaluate LLM synthesized Julia code
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Jürgen Fuhrmann

Deputy head of numerical mathematics and scientific computing at Weierstrass Instute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics Berlin. Teaching at TU Berlin. 35 years of experience in PDE numerics and visualization. Moved from C++/python to Julia since v1.0 in 2018.

  • What's new with VoronoiFVM.jl
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Kai Partmann

PhD Candidate, University of Siegen, Germany

Specializing in solid mechanics, with a focus on dynamic fracture, peridynamics, and continuum mechanics.

  • Advancements in Peridynamics.jl for Dynamic Fracture Simulations
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Kan Wu
  • Juliet&Romeo; making Julia a hard real-time robot language
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karl pierce
  • Improving the life-cycle of tensor algorithm development
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Katharine Hyatt
  • Why I use Julia for Quantum Computing
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Katharine Hyatt

Awesome person

  • JuliaGPU BoF
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Keith Myerscough

After obtaining my PhD in applied mathematics in 2015 and a short adventure as a postdoc, I joined Sioux Mathware as a Mathware Engineer in 2017. In that time I have done many projects solving mathematical problems for a wide variety of customers, but I have also started to focus more on the question of how the department as a whole can improve the quality of its deliverables. In this role, I have taken a keen interest in the Julia language, as it promises us to easily write software that is both legible and performant. Over the past year and a bit, this has materialized into contributing to the deployment of Julia at one of our customers. I am also busy building a cross-department Julia competence within Sioux.

  • Building Bridges with Julia
  • Industrial Julia Panel Discussion
The speaker’s profile picture
Keno Fischer

Keno Fischer is one of the core developers of the Julia programming language and co-founder and CTO at JuliaHub. His earliest involvement with the Julia project was the port of Julia to Windows, the creation of (the current iteration of) the Julia REPL, the Julia optimizer, Julia’s --bug-report feature as well as numerous other language features and packages. Within the Julia community, he is known for creating packages that push the boundary of possibilities of the language and ability to debug even the thorniest of issues. He holds an A.M. degree in Physics from Harvard University.

  • CedarEDA tutorial: a fresh approach to circuit simulation
  • Julia Compiler Secrets - Static Analysis
The speaker’s profile picture
Kianté Fernandez

Kiante Fernandez is pursuing a PhD in Computational Cognition at the University of California, Los Angeles, under the supervision of Dr. Ian Krajbich. His primary research interest is in modeling human decision-making in economic settings.

  • Simulating Cognitive Models of Human Decision-Making in Julia
The speaker’s profile picture
Kim Louisa Auth

I'm a PhD student in numerical mechanics working with Finite Element Analysis in Julia.
I'm also a co-organizer of the diversity initiative Julia Gender Inclusive and very passionate about making open source programming awesome for even more people!

  • Discussing (Gender) Diversity in the Julia Community
  • Diversity Dinner and Discussion
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Klas Nilsson
  • Juliet&Romeo; making Julia a hard real-time robot language
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  • Opening Ceremony
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Koen Rutten

Software engineer at Sioux Mathware

  • Workflow for developing multiple interdependent packages
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Koustav Chowdhury
  • Unlocking lightning speed of Julia's Dict with Robinhood Hashing
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Kristoffer Carlsson

Software engineer for JuliaHub, worked on many open source projects including Pkg.jl, PackageCompiler.jl and Julia itself.

  • State of Julia 2024
  • App support in Pkg
The speaker’s profile picture
Krystian Guliński

Software Engineer @JuliaHub, Cluster Team

  • A retrospect on Julia web services: HTTP, performance and memory
The speaker’s profile picture
Krzysztof Miernik

I'm a professor at the University of Warsaw, Poland, working in the field of
experimental nuclear physics. Since 2020 Julia has been my main programming
tool, I use it for all kinds of work, from simple calculations, through the
preparation of figures, communication with laboratory equipment and detectors,
to analysis of relatively large datasets.

  • Julia's use in nuclear physics data analysis: study of a case
The speaker’s profile picture
Lars Mikelsons

Diploma in Mathematics. PhD in Mechatronics. Worked in Bosch Corporate Research now head of the Chair for Mechatronics at the University of Augsburg.

  • MeshGraphNets.jl - Adaptation of MeshGraphNets as NeuralODE
  • Scientific Machine Learning using Functional Mock-Up Units
The speaker’s profile picture
Lazaro Alonso

Lazaro Alonso is a Mexican physicist currently working at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in the Model Data Integration Group. Interested in Hybrid Model-Based approaches to climate sciences as well as scientific visualization. Other interests of his are complex networks, graph neural networks and time series analysis.

He is a coauthor of the Julia Data Science book and main contributor to the gallery https://beautiful.makie.org/ and contributes as much as possible to open source in his spare time if any.

  • Strategies to Integrate Data and Biogeochemical models
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Léo Baty
  • InferOpt.jl: combinatorial optimization and machine learning
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Letícia Madureira

Leticia Madureira is a PhD student in theoretical chemistry at Carnegie Mellon University. Her interests go from materials applications of molecular environments, focusing on studying conjugated systems and their quantum coherence, but also developing methods on the realm of electronic structure methods. She has been using Julia for 4 years and her goal is to answer fundamental scientific equations with high performance software engineering.

  • Discussing (Gender) Diversity in the Julia Community
  • Diversity Dinner and Discussion
  • Julia for Fundamental Scientific Questions in Life Sciences
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Student in Bremen who studies quantum computers

  • Equivalence Checking of Dynamic Quantum Circuits
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Lilith Hafner

I am an artist, scientist, and developer, with a specialty in sorting. Lately I've been exploring how to improve the Julia contributor experience.

  • State of Julia 2024
  • Python.jl—Seamlessly blend Python and Julia
  • The `public` keyword and how public APIs work in Julia
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Lisa Rennels

I am a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley advised by Professor David Anthoff, and hold a MSc. in Computer Science advised by Professor Sarah Chasins in the PLAIT lab, also at UC Berkeley. I employ my training in both computer science and environmental economics to carry out interdisciplinary research on the economic impacts of climate change and support policy-making in this area.

  • How Climate Economics Domain Experts Use an Embedded DSL
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Longqing Ge

Ph.D Student in LTCS and CAPT, Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China

  • Efficient, composable solver for non-equilibrium flows
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Luca Bonaldo

I am a research software engineer in the Princeton Research Computing department and a member of the ZERO Lab led by Prof. Jesse D. Jenkins since 2023. Before joining Princeton University, I graduated as a Ph.D. student in the Science of Advanced Materials from Central Michigan University. During my doctoral studies, my primary project involved developing new software to simulate electronic transport phenomena for application in thermoelectric energy conversion. Before pursuing my Ph.D., I worked as a software engineer on real-time processing algorithms for automatic quality control of industrial products based on artificial neural networks. My professional background is in high-performance computing and physics.

  • GenX: a high-performance tool for electricity system planning
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Luca Ferranti

I like Julia, teaching, teaching Julia and teaching in Julia.

  • Build a computational thinking - like class for the greater good
  • 🎈 Pluto - Teaching with Pluto
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Lucas Bex

Lucas Bex obtained his Bachelor's in electrical engineering (2020) and Master's in energy engineering (2022) from KU Leuven. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Electrical engineering at Electa - ESAT KU Leuven. His research interests are demand response, energy systems modelling, and advanced control methods for electrical power systems.

  • FMIExchange.jl: Foreign Models Through a Familiar Interface
The speaker’s profile picture
Ludovic Räss

Geo-HPC, Julia GPU & Supercomputing.

  • Developing Supercomputing Geoscience Applications using Julia
  • Subglacial water flow simulations on GPUs
  • Hands-on with Julia for HPC on GPUs and CPUs
  • Sustainable Development of Stencil-based HPC Applications
  • FastIce.jl: a massively parallel ice flow model running on GPUs
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Luis Benet
  • Propagating large orbital uncertainty with TaylorIntegration.jl
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Luis Eduardo Ramírez Montoya
  • Propagating large orbital uncertainty with TaylorIntegration.jl
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Luiz M. Faria
  • Solving integral equations with Inti.jl
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Luka van der Plas
  • 🎈 Featured Pluto notebooks: submit your own!
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Maarten Pronk

I'm a researcher at Deltares and an external PhD candidate in the 3dgeoinfo research group at the Delft University of Technology. I have earned a Master of Science degree in Geomatics with honors.

My research concerns elevation modelling, especially in lowlands prone to coastal flooding. I aim to combine my interests in remote sensing and software engineering for societal impact. Currently, I'm working on applying data from ICESat-2—a lidar satellite—on global elevation models.

  • What’s new with GeoInterface.jl: traits for interoperability
  • JuliaGeo BoF: shared interfaces and plans for geospatial julia
  • Hydrological modelling in Julia with Wflow.jl and Ribasim.jl
The speaker’s profile picture
Manuel Camilo Eguia

Creator of the LAPSo (Laboratorio de Acustica y Percepcion Sonora) at Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina). Researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET Argentina). Contact me me@lapso.org

  • Real Time ODEs for Sound Synthesis and Parameter Exploration
The speaker’s profile picture
Manuel Sebastian Drehwald

I am an M.Sc. CS Student at the University of Toronto.
Previously I was an undergrad at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.

  • BLASPhemy
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Marcus Galea Jacobsen

Master student in Human Centered Artificial Intelligence at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Student assistant at Novozymes, working on discovering enzyme kinematics from data, using scientific machine learning.

  • Fast parameter estimation with PhysicsInformedRegression.jl
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Mark Kittisopikul, Ph.D.

Software Engineer, Scientific Computing Software at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus

  • Scientific Data Minisymposium
  • Efficient Chunk Access across HDF5, Zarr, and TIFF
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Martijn Visser

Martijn Visser is a hydrologist at Deltares, where he focuses on integrated water resources management, as well as building open source software to support it. As an early adopter of the Julia programming language he’s been active in the open source community, helping to set up and maintain JuliaGeo and its packages, which aim to make it easier to work with geospatial data in Julia.

  • Hydrological modelling in Julia with Wflow.jl and Ribasim.jl
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Martin Roa-Villescas

Martin Roa-Villescas earned his B.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering from the National University of Colombia (UNAL) in Manizales, Colombia, in 2010. He received his M.Sc. degree in Embedded Systems from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in 2013. Currently, he is pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Bayesian Machine Learning at TU/e. Between 2013 and 2018, he served as an embedded software designer at Philips Research in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. His research interests encompass probabilistic graphical models, open-source software, and robotics.

  • Probabilistic inference using contraction of tensor networks
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Mason Protter

I'm a condensed matter physicist turned julia enthusiast who is interested in the intersection of performance and design.

  • What's next for Transducers.jl?
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Matt Bauman

Dr. Matt Bauman is the Director of Sales Engineering at JuliaHub Inc. and has been working with the Julia language for over a decade. He holds a PhD in BioEngineering from the University of Pittsburgh.

  • Introduction to Julia
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Maurice du Mee
  • Software at ASML: the Force behind making microchips
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Mauricio D Sacchi

In 1988, I earned a Geophysics degree from the National University of La Plata, Argentina, and moved to Canada in 1993 for graduate studies. I completed my Ph.D. in Geophysics at the University of British Columbia in 1996, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship. I then joined the University of Alberta as a faculty member in the Physics Department, becoming a tenured professor in 2001 and a full professor in 2007. I served as Chair of Physics from 2010 to 2015 and was re-appointed in 2016, concluding my second term in June 2021. At Alberta, I established an applied research Geophysics group and supervised around 60 graduate students.

  • SequentialCompression.jl: Out-of-core multi array compression
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Mauro Werder

I am a glaciologist and Julia programmer. I work at ETH-Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL).

  • Subglacial water flow simulations on GPUs
  • FastIce.jl: a massively parallel ice flow model running on GPUs
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Max de Rooij

I’m a PhD candidate in systems biology for metabolic disease at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology. I am working on model personalisation with scientific machine learning.

  • Learning Biological Modulation Mechanisms with SciML
  • Julia for Systems Biology; generating personalized models
  • Personalising Models of Human Blood Sugar using SciML
  • Julia for Fundamental Scientific Questions in Life Sciences
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Michael Bologna

Michael Bologna is a Principal Consultant at Great Lakes Consulting Services (GLCS.io), working in Modeling & Simulation, large data computation, web application development, and tech consulting. Find him on LinkedIn, GitHub or email mbologna@glcs.io

  • Effective Julia Computation as a Service
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Michael F. Herbst

Michael is currently a tenure-track assistant professor for mathematics and materials science at EPFL, Lausanne. There he leads the MatMat research group, which aims to understand simulation error and improve robustness of materials modelling schemes. As part of this effort his group co-develops the density-functional toolkit.

  • Materials Modeling: Bonding across atoms, code, and people
  • DFTK.jl: 5 years of a multidisciplinary electronic-structure cod
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Michael Schlottke-Lakemper

I am computational scientist and professor at the Centre for Advanced Analytics and Predictive Sciences of the University of Augsburg, Germany, where I lead the High-Performance Scientific Computing Lab in the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Materials Engineering. My research focus is on numerical methods for adaptive multi-physics simulations, research software engineering for high-performance computing, and scientific machine learning.

  • Secure numerical computations using fully homomorphic encryption
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Michael Tiemann

I'm a machine learning research scientist from southern Germany.

  • Language 1.5 revisited
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Michael Tiller

Michael Tiller has a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He is the Secretary of the Modelica Association, President of the North America Modelica Users' Group, author of two books on Modelica and currently Senior Director of Product Management for JuliaSim at JuliaHub.

  • Hierarchical Component-Based Modeling with ModelingToolkit.jl
  • JuliaSim Modeling Language: Composing Complex Systems with MTK
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Michelle van Haften
  • Large-Scale Mechanistic Modeling of Immune Pathway in Julia
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Miguel Raz Guzmán Macedo

Julia. Rust. Wannabe time bandit.

  • Rust and Julia - Birds of a Feather
  • Julia and Rust - Safer abstractions and FFI Workshop
  • EditBoundary.jl - a quest to revive structured quad meshes
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  • Mikel Antoñana: https://mikelehu.github.io/
  • Ander Murua: https://www.ehu.eus/ccwmuura/
  • Few-body integrator with time-reversible adaptivity in Julia
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Miklós Koren

Miklós teaches reproducible coding practices to economists to help them maximize their scientific impact. He believes in the command line, plain text, and that every problem can be solved with the right combination of Stata, Python, Julia, git, and make. He is Professor of Economics at Central European University and the Data Editor of the Review of Economic Studies, a leading scientific journal.

  • Kezdi.jl: A data analysis package for economists
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Milan Klöwer

Milan is a postdoctoral associate in climate modelling at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received his PhD from Oxford working on low-precision climate computing and data compression. During his PhD, Milan established the concept of the bitwise real information content for data compression. He worked with posit numbers and stochastic rounding and invented a logarithmic fixed-point number format. He ran the first 16-bit weather and climate simulation on Fujitsu's A64FX, the CPU that powers Fugaku. He writes and maintains many Julia packages. Most recently, he wrote SpeedyWeather.jl, an atmospheric general circulation model with a focus on interactivity and extensibility to further accelerate research into computationally efficient weather and climate models.

  • SpeedyWeather.jl: Reinventing atmospheric models
  • Discussion: Earth and climate science in Julia
  • Earth and climate science in Julia: Power to the user
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Morten Piibeleht

Morten is a physicist & software engineer from Estonia, but based in Auckland, New Zealand. He's one of the maintainers Documenter.jl and the JuliaDocs package ecosystem, and works as a software engineer at JuliaHub.

GitHub: @mortenpi

  • Writing and maintaining an exceptional Documentation
  • CodeEvaluation.jl: emulating Julia code evaluations
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Mosè Giordano
  • Julia in HPC
  • Extrae.jl: Advance profiling of Julia code in HPC clusters
  • BinaryBuilder BoF
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Mukund Gupta

I am an assistant professor at TU Delft working in the department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. My research focuses on the interactions between ocean and sea ice dynamics.

  • Subzero.jl: Fast and Flexible Sea Ice Physics
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Mykola Lukashchuk

Mykola Lukashchuk is a PhD candidate at Eindhoven University of Technology.

  • ExponentialFamilyManifolds.jl: Advancing Probabilistic Modeling
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Natal van Riel

Natal van Riel is Professor of Biomedical Systems Biology at the department of Biomedical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology, where he leads the Computational Biology group and the Systems Biology and Metabolic Diseases research program. He is also part-time Professor of Computational Modelling at Amsterdam University Medical Centers (location AMC, University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Medicine). His research focuses on modelling of metabolic networks and physiology, machine learning for parameter estimation, methods for analysis of dynamic models, and applications in Metabolic Syndrome and associated diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes.

  • Julia for Systems Biology; generating personalized models
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Nathanael Bosch

I am a PhD student in machine learning at the University of Tübingen and the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS), supervised by Prof. Dr. Philipp Hennig. I'm interested in probabilistic machine learning for and with dynamical systems, with a focus on probabilistic numerics: by treating numerical simulation as a probabilistic inference problem, we develop new methods that efficiently quantify their numerical error and enable new ways to do data-driven inference in dynamical systems.

  • Fast probabilistic inference for ODEs with ProbNumDiffEq.jl
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Nathan Shammah
  • Nurturing a quantum open-source ecosystem
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Navid Constantinou

website: www.navidconstantinou.com
Github: @navidcy
video intro in 60 seconds

Navid grew up in Lefkosia, Cyprus and studied physics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (BSc, MSc, PhD). In 2015, he was awarded a NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral fellowship to work at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego. On 2018, Navid moved to the Australian National University first as a Research Fellow (2018-2021) and then as an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award Fellow (2021-2024). Since June 2024, he is a senior lecturer at the School of Geography Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Melbourne.

Navid studies turbulent flows. His research focuses on how the ocean’s small-scale turbulent motions affect the large-scale ocean circulation and the Earth’s climate. In parallel, he is very passionate about scientific computing and climate model development. Navid is one of the core developers of the ocean dynamical core of the new Earth System Model developed by the Climate Modelling Alliance. He is also very passionate about open-source software and reproducibility practices. His favorite planet other than ours is Jupiter. Besides research and coding, he enjoys surfing 🏄🏽, biking 🚴, horse riding 🏇, dancing 💃, and taking photographs 📷. He also likes telling stories (science-related or note) and he’s an avid story listener. Watch him introducing himself in 60 seconds. For more you can browse his website.

  • Oceananigans: an ocean-flavoured fluid dynamics library
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Niclas Popp

I am an ELLIS Doctoral student at the University of Tübingen and the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence. The work on randomized diagonal estimation presented at JuliaCon 2024 was carried out in the course my master thesis at TU Munich and KTH Stockholm (supervised by Claudio Mayrink Verdun, Felix Krahmer and Elias Jarlebring).

  • Randomized Diagonal Estimation in Julia
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Niels Hermsen
  • Building a customized application dashboard with Pluto.jl
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Niklas Neher

PhD student at High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart.

  • Julia for Particle-Based Multiphysics with TrixiParticles.jl
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Niklas Schmitz
  • On physics-informed automatic differentiation
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Nikolaj Maack Bielefeld

Nikolaj initially studied to become an AP Graduate in Energy Technology when he discovered a keen interest in the topic of energy, which lead him to continue his studies at Aalborg University, graduating with a Master's in Thermal Energy and Process Engineering in 2023. He currently works as a consulting engineer in a company in southern Denmark, mainly providing advice for costumers in the area of district heating and technical-economical optimization and investment planning.

  • RayTraceHeatTransfer.jl: 2D enclosure radiative heat transfer
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Nishanth H. Kottary

Hello! I am Nishanth. I work in JuliaHub where I develop Cloud based solutions for hosted Julia apps. I also make occasional fixes and updates to the Julia Registrator. In my free time I play guitar and ride my bike.

  • Kuber.jl: An OpenAPI based Kubernetes client for Julia
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Nuno Carvalhais

Scientist/Leader model-data integration group. PhD in Env. Sci. Eng.

  • Strategies to Integrate Data and Biogeochemical models
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Ole Kröger

I'm a software engineer using Julia full time at a startup called Zellerfeld. Our mission is to bring printed shoes on every foot in the world.
Besides that I love walking all streets of Hamburg, Germany and to achieve this goal create software which keeps me on track and motivated.

  • EverySingleStreet.jl: Explore your city using Julia
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Olivier Cots

Associate professor, applied mathematics
Université de Toulouse, INP-ENSEEIHT & IRIT, CNRS, France

CV Hal

  • Trajectory optimisation in space mechanics with Julia
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Oscar Smith
  • GPU Acceleration of Julia's SciML: ODEs, Optimization, and more
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Oscar Smith
  • GPU Acceleration of Julia's SciML: ODEs, Optimization, and more
  • `Memory` in Julia
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Oscar van der Velde

Researcher of lightning, sprites and gigantic jets, at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, province of Barcelona, Spain since 2008. (elma.upc.edu)

LightningWizard convective weather maps (lightningwizard.com) and forecaster at European Storm Forecast Experiment (estofex.org) since 2002.

  • Visualization and analysis of 3D Lightning Mapping Array data
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Oskar Laverny

I am currently an associate professor (maitre de conférence) in statistics at the SESSTIM in Marseille (France). Actuary by formation, I focus my researches on high dimensional statistics and dependence structures estimations, with a lot of applications in insurence, reinsurence, and more recently public health. I do have a taste for numerical code and open-source software, and most of my work is freely available on Github.

  • NetSurvival.jl: A glimpse into relative survival analysis
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Otto Ritter

Background in maths and molecular biology. Leading the Decision Science team in MSD R&D informatics.

  • Cost-Efficient Experimental Designs, aka CEEDesigns.jl
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Owen Lynch
  • Gatlab: Computer Algebra and Standard ML modules combined
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Pablo Zubieta
  • Cairn.jl: Enhanced Molecular Dynamics for Active Learning
  • Lyotropic Liquid Crystals: Thermodynamics & Numerical methods
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Panagiotis Georgakopoulos

Misc at Pluto.jl, Software engineering JuliaHub (Ask AI, Pluto integrations, Julia Web applications & JavaScript). In the past, I've been a software engineer, a business analyst, a consultant, a data entry intern, a waiter and a sailor. Very concerned about climate change, trying to do something about it (algae bioreactors in the making).

  • A retrospect on Julia web services: HTTP, performance and memory
  • JuliaHub's AskAI: Enhancing ChatGPT with julia-specific context
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Paolo Accordini

Love everything computing (from Turing machines to microkernel operating system design), love programming (C/C++ developer at heart, with lots of Python experience and just started with Julia and Rust), math, physics and nanotechnology. Working as a functional design engineer in ASML, trying to bring some joy-lia to in a gray world built on top of MATLAB.

  • Blending the gap: mixing MATLAB with Julia
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Patrick Altmeyer

I’m a PhD student at Delft University of Technology working on the intersection of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Finance. My current research revolves around Counterfactual Explanations and Probabilistic Machine Learning. Previously, I worked as an Economist for the Bank of England.

I started working with Julia at the beginning of PhD in late 2021 and have since developed and used various packages, some of which I presented at JuliaCon 2022 and 2023. These packages now have a common home called Taija, which stands for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in Julia.

You can find out more about my work on my website.

  • Quarto Extensions for the Julia Community
  • Trustworthy AI in Julia meets Supercomputing
  • What's new in Trustworthy AI in Julia (Taija)?
  • 💰 Trillion Dollar Words in Julia
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Paul Berg

PhD student, Julia enthusiast.

  • ꩜ Coil.jl - Lifting Julia array operations to MLIR.
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Paulito Palmes

I am a research scientist at the IBM Research Europe (Dublin Research Lab) working in the areas of analytics, datamining, machine learning, reinforcement learning, automated decisions, and automated AI. More information of my work in automated AI (AutoMLPipeline.jl, TSML.jl, and Lale.jl) can be found in IBM Research main page.

  • End-to-End AI (E2EAI) with Julia, K0s, and Argo Workflow
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Paul Lang

Systems biologist at DeepOrigin (https://www.deeporigin.com/) focussing on parameter estimation problems. Special interest in collaborative & scalable modeling.

  • Systems biology: community needs, plans, and visions
  • Julia for Fundamental Scientific Questions in Life Sciences
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Pere Giménez
  • What's New in GenieFramework?
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Pere Mato

Senior Applied Physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) developing and maintaining common scientific software for high-energy physics experiments

  • Geant4.jl - Particle transport in Julia
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Peter Thestrup Waade

PhD student affiliated with Aarhus University and University College London. Specialized in computational cognitive modeling and motion capture research. Also dancer and martial artist.

  • Cognitive computational modeling made easy with Julia
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Philip Tellis

Philip Tellis is a geek who likes to make the computer do his work for him. As Principal RUM Distiller at Akamai, he analyses the impact of various design decisions on web application performance, scalability and security. He is the creator of "boomerang" -- a JavaScript based web performance measurement tool.

In his spare time, Philip enjoys cycling, reading, cooking and learning spoken languages.

He has been developing with Julia since version 0.2 and recently completed a large migration from Julia 0.4 to 1.6.

  • Migrating from Julia 0.4 to Julia 1.6
  • Curling with Julia: A brief overview of CurlHTTP.jl
  • Using Julia as part of an Anomaly Detection pipeline
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Phillip Alday
  • BoxCox.jl -- A lightweight package with nice extensions
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Przemysław Szufel

Przemysław Szufel is an Assistant Professor at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Adjunct Professor at Toronto Metropolitan University. His main research focus is applying advanced analytics methods, and in particular, machine learning, simulation and optimization in modelling in bringing new value to business processes. He is a co-author of several tools and algorithms for optimal and cost efficient collection and analysis of large data sets in the cloud. He is a co-author of over 40 publications, including handbooks and journal papers, in the area of applying advanced analytics, machine learning and simulation methods to making optimal business decisions. He is an active member of the Julia language community - maintains 4 official Julia packages and has 2nd place answering Julia-related questions on StackOverflow. He is a co-author of book “Julia 1.0 Programming Cookbook: Over 100 numerical and distributed computing recipes for your daily data science workflow”. Przemysław is also co-managing SilverDecisions.pl project (that aims for representing and supporting business decisions), which has been elected by the European Commission to the Innovation Radar programe, grouping the best innovations financed by the EU funds.

  • Working with Open Street Map spatial data in Julia
  • Productive Parallel Programming with Dagger.jl
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Qingyu Qu

I am a master's student in machine learning and industrial control systems at Zhejiang University. My research interest focuses on the intersection of machine learning and dynamical systems. I participated in GSoC 2023 with SciML under the NUMFOCUS umbrella.

  • Solve Fractional Differential Equation with FractionalDiffEq.jl
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Rachel Kurchin
  • Materials Modeling: Bonding across atoms, code, and people
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Radhika Shidling Bhangi

I am Radhika Bhangi

  • Julia-Powered Computerized Cognitive Rehabilitation for Children
  • Forecasting Mental Wellness of Students using Julia
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Rafael Schouten

Rafael is an Ecologist at the Center for Macroecology, Climate and Evolution in Copenhagen. He works on process-based ecological models of species distributions, dispersal, threats and extinction, and contributes to a variety of geospatial, modelling and visualization packages.


  • Interfaces.jl: base and package interface tests for your objects
  • What’s new with GeoInterface.jl: traits for interoperability
  • DimensionalData.jl: named dimensions for julia data
  • SpeciesDistributionModels.jl: an SDM workflow
  • GeometryOps.jl: Building a Comprehensive Native Geometry Package
  • JuliaGeo BoF: shared interfaces and plans for geospatial julia
  • Rasters.jl: raster data and GIS tools for julia
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Rainer Heintzmann

Rainer Heintzmann is a professor of Physical Chemistry at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, and heads the microscopy research unit at the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology in Jena, Germany. His research focuses on methods for imaging cellular function at high resolution and developing techniques to measure multidimensional information in small biological objects such as cells, cellular organelles or other small structures of interest. He developed structured illumination, pointillism, image inversion interferometry and optical photon reassignment and is highly interested in computer-based reconstruction and inverse modelling methods such as deconvolution.

  • Separable Functions
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Rajeev Voleti
  • Optimal Cooperative Rendezvous using AerialVehicles.jl
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Randall Boyes

Randall (Randy) Boyes is the Director of Analytics for Presage Group, Inc., a Canadian consulting company. He lives with his wife and three dogs on an island near Kingston, ON.

  • TidierPlots.jl: Bringing ggplot2 to Julia
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Raye Kimmerer

Currently I am an SM at the MIT JuliaLab, where I focus on sparse libraries and compilers.

  • Closing Ceremony
  • Closing Ceremony
  • What's new in GraphBLAS.jl
  • One Does Not Simply JuliaCon 🌋
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Opening Ceremony
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Reymond Akpanya

I am a PhD student in the field of simplicial surfaces under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Alice C. Niemeyer and Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Plesken.

  • GeoCombSurfX - exploring properties of polygonal complexes
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Rim Alhajal

I am a statistics / data science master's student, currently doing my end of year internship at the SESSTIM in Marseille, France.

  • NetSurvival.jl: A glimpse into relative survival analysis
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Rob de Wit
  • Closing Ceremony
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Romain Clement de Givry

Romain develops satellite constellations as part of the systems engineering team of Eutelsat Group. Having studied aeronautics and mathematics, his prior experience is mainly in unmanned aircraft design.

  • Designing satellites constellations with Julia
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Romain VELTZ
  • What's new with BifurcationKit.jl
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Romeo Valentin
  • PhD Student at the Stanford Intelligent Systems Lab (SISL), developing certification guidelines for employing data-driven algorithms in safety-critical applications.
  • ThreadedDenseSparseMul.jl: Multi-threaded Dense-Sparse Matmul.
  • KSVD.jl: A case study in performance optimization.
  • My Experience With Deep Learning Research in Julia.
  • RunwayPNPSolve.jl: Uncertainty-Aware Pose Estimation.
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Ronan Arraes Jardim Chagas

Since 2013, Ronan Arraes Jardim Chagas has been with the Space Systems Division of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). As his most significant accomplishment, he was the Mission Architect and the responsible technician of the attitude and orbit control subsystem (AOCS) of the Brazilian Satellite Amazonia-1, successfully launched in February 2021.

He has been working with Control Systems and Signal Processing for 15 years. During this time, he was involved in many projects related to those areas. He successfully embedded Kalman filters (Extended and Unscented) in many autonomous systems and developed state-of-art signal processing algorithms to perform estimation in distributed sensor networks.

He conducts several research projects at INPE. Those projects include artificial intelligence and advanced control techniques applied to the AOCS, space mission design optimization, advanced signal processing, and orbit analysis.

He is also a Julia language enthusiast. He has used it daily since 2013 to perform many activities related to his work. As his most significant project with this language, he developed a complete AOCS simulator to test and verify this subsystem. The simulation achieved outstanding performance and accuracy, given the orbital data collected from the satellite Amazonia-1.

He is the creator and maintainer of some important packages of the Julia language ecosystem: ReferenceFrameRotations.jl, SatelliteToolbox.jl, PrettyTables.jl, and others.

  • The SatelliteToolbox.jl Ecosystem
  • Developing a Satellite Telemetry Analysis System
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Ronny Bergmann

Usually working on Differential geometry, Numerical Methods and Optimization.

My main packages I develop are Manopt.jl and Manifolds.jl.
You can find more information about my research at ronnybergmann.net.

  • Quarto Extensions for the Julia Community
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Ryan Benasutti

Software engineering at Leuko.

  • A cloud-native parallel data processing application in Julia
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Sam Aaron

Dr Sam Aaron is the creator of Sonic Pi, an internationally renowned live coding performer, public speaker and science communicator. Sam has a PhD in Computer Science from Newcastle University and held a research position at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory where he initially developed Sonic Pi.

  • Sonic Pi - Live Coding as a tool for next-gen education.
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Sam Buercklin

Sam is a Julia developer providing expertise at converting ideas into effective, reliable, and maintainable reality. His work spans from differentiable physics to renewable energy optimization, and he brings experience taking Julia-developed solutions into industrial-scale production.

Right now, Sam provides Julia expertise for solving problems related to renewable energy, but previously he worked as a research engineer at Metalenz and a member of technical staff at LeafLabs. He holds degrees in electrical engineering from both the University of Illinois and MIT.

Sam is the founder of G2I Computing LLC and is excited to continue solving difficult problems with scientific computing in Julia.

  • Building Confidently in Julia with Interface Driven Design
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Samuel Omlin

Computational Scientist | Responsible for Julia computing
Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), ETH Zurich

  • Sustainable Development of Stencil-based HPC Applications
  • Seamless transition from single-core Python to Julia Multi-GPU
  • FastIce.jl: a massively parallel ice flow model running on GPUs
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Sara Wirsing

since 05/2024: Computational Chemist in Group Digital Innovation @Merck KGaA
2022 - 2024: PostDoc in Data Science/Sustainability @Merck Electronics KGaA
2018 - 2022: PhD in Computational Chemistry @Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany

  • GreenSpeed: Sustainable Chemical Synthesis Right from the Start
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Sascha Stüttgen

I am a PHD student at RWTH Aachen University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Daniel Robertz. My main research interests lie in geometric aspects of simplicial surfaces. In particular I study how to embed a combinatorial simplicial surface into 3-space under edge lenghts constraints and investigate different rigidity properties.

  • GeoCombSurfX - exploring properties of polygonal complexes
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Sathvik Bhagavan

I am a Software Engineer at JuliaHub
github: https://github.com/sathvikbhagavan/

  • Robust Calibration of Industrial HVAC and Battery Systems
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Sean L Wu
  • Cost-Efficient Experimental Designs, aka CEEDesigns.jl
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Sebastian Micluța-Câmpeanu

I am a software engineer at JuliaHub with a background in theoretical and computational physics.

  • JuliaSimBatteries.jl: Robust PDE Models of Lithium-ion Batteries
  • Robust Calibration of Industrial HVAC and Battery Systems
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Sebastian Persson
  • PEtab.jl - Efficient parameter estimation for dynamic models
  • Systems biology: community needs, plans, and visions
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Sebastian Pfitzner

Sebastian is a software engineer at JuliaHub focusing on tooling around Julia, including the JuliaHub platform and the Julia extension for VS Code, as well as various other contributions to the Julia ecosystem.

  • What's new in the Julia extension for VS Code
  • Infiltrator.jl - No-Overhead Breakpoints in Julia
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Sepehr Elahi

Sepehr Elahi is a second-year PhD student at the Computer & Communication Sciences department of EPFL.

His personal website: sepehrelahi.com

  • Recursive Causal Discovery with Julia
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Sergio Sánchez Ramírez
  • Extrae.jl: Advance profiling of Julia code in HPC clusters
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Shauna O'Donovan

Assistant Professor in Modelling and AI for precision nutrition; Department of Biomedical Engineering; Eindhoven University of Technology.

  • Julia for Systems Biology; generating personalized models
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Shuhei Kadowaki

SRE at JuliaHub, Inc. Working on the Julia compiler. Creator of JET.jl.

  • Julia Compiler Secrets - Static Analysis
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Simon Christ

Simon Christ currently works at Leibniz University of Hannover. Simon does research and teaching in Biophysics and Computational Biology. He values open and repoducible research and helps maintaining Plots.jl since 2020.

  • Plots.jl - Quo vadis?
The speaker’s profile picture
Simon Danisch

Simon is the creator of Makie.jl, Bonito.jl and a few other Julia packages.
He is currently mainly working on Plotting, general Graphics and Geometry infrastructure, ML and GPU computing in Julia.
Originally, he studied Cognitive Science and started programming Julia full time more than 10 years ago.

  • What's new with Makie.jl?
  • Interactive Dashboards with WGLMakie and Bonito
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Simon Kok Lupemba

Simon, the newest addition to the Scatterometry team at EUMETSAT, contributes to the operational observation of ocean winds needed for global weather forecasts. His daily work involves using Julia to monitor and maintain processing software for the ASCAT instruments aboard the METOP satellites. Additionally, he contributes to developing software tools for the upcoming SCA instrument on the METOP second-generation satellites.

Simon holds an MSc in Earth and Space Physics and Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. His interest in Julia began during his studies in 2019. After a 2-year period of working with C# on medium-sized public IT projects in Denmark, Simon eagerly embraced the chance to return to scientific computing with Julia upon joining EUMETSAT.

Simon is excited about the potential to use Julia to improve the processing chain of Earth Observation (EO) and wants to play a part in the realization of this potential.

  • Supporting development and operation of Scatterometers
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Skylar Gering

I am a research software engineer working on both sea ice modeling and computational geometry in Julia.

  • Discussing (Gender) Diversity in the Julia Community
  • GeometryOps.jl: Building a Comprehensive Native Geometry Package
  • Discussion: Earth and climate science in Julia
  • Subzero.jl: Fast and Flexible Sea Ice Physics
  • Earth and climate science in Julia: Power to the user
  • Diversity Dinner and Discussion
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Sören Schönbrod

Soeren Schoenbrod received his M.Sc. in electrical engineering from RWTH Aachen University in 2015. His research interests include multi antenna GNSS receivers, attitude and calibration estimation, robust interference and spoofing detection and mitigation.

  • GNSSReceiver GNSS signal processing and positioning in real time
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Sriharsha Kandala
  • Portable communications interface for Earth System Model
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Stefan Krastanov

Stefan works on the design, control, and optimization of quantum hardware for computation and networking, from its analog physical description up to the compilation of error-corrected logical circuitry running on it. His research centers around leaky abstraction boundaries between the many layers of technologies making up the field of quantum computing and quantum information science. He received his doctorate from Yale's Quantum Institute under Liang Jiang and was a postdoc at MIT's Quantum Photonics group under Dirk Englund. He recently started his own group as faculty at UMass Amherst.

  • Composable API for Quantum Networking Protocols
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Steffen Plunder

I apply mathematics and computer science to developmental biology. My primary research aim is to develop and use detailed mathematical models to help biologists with questions inaccessible via experiments.

  • A live coding music performance with Julia
  • Tools for agent-based modelling in developmental biology
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Stephan Sahm

On my journey to bring Pluto and Julia to the data science mass market.

If you want to convince your company to support Julia for Data Science, cloud.jolin.io is the perfect tool for you! Simply login with your github user at cloud.jolin.io, a hosted Pluto service.

Entrepreneur, Data Scientist/Engineer, Cloud Architect.

  • How I created a hosted notebook service for Pluto
  • Build real-time processes with Pluto's reactivity
  • JuliaScript.jl - simply run julia scripts at max speed
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Stephan Scholz

Stephan Scholz is a research assistant at the University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten and a doctoral student at the University of Ulm. His research interests include the simulation and control of large-scale physical models like partial differential equations and scientific machine learning.

  • Hestia.jl - Modeling and Control of Heat Conduction
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Surya Kiran Peravali

Research fellow at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany and Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / University of Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg, Germany

Surya's research focuses on developing advanced simulation methodologies to resolve fluid flows having wide range of flow states (e.g., continuum and free molecular flows) and its interaction with nano particles. This involves bundling different multiscale and multiphysics simulation methodologies supported by high-performance computing and data science methods

  • Simulating nano-particle trajectories using CMInject.jl
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Taha Selim
  • Chief Executive Officer & co-founder, MolKet.​
  • Quantum Education Officer and Lecturer, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.​
  • PhD candidate, Theoretical & Computational Chemistry, IMM, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.​
  • His work has been presented at international conferences, and he has published numerous peer-reviewed articles in high-impact journals.
  • Member of the American Physical Society (APS), the American Chemical Society (ACS), and other international societies.​
  • M.Sc. of Quantum physics, Lasers, & Materials. ​
  • B.Sc. of Physics & Mathematics with Electronics & Communication Engineering.​
  • Non-degree diploma in Business Administration.​
  • Simulating quantum molecular dynamics with Julia
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Tanmay Mohapatra

Author and contributor of various packages across the Julia ecosystem. Mostly involved with packages in JuliaWeb, JuliaIO, JuliaParallel and JuliaDatabase orgs. Currently working with JuliaHub Inc., focussing on the JuliaHub platform and cluster management pieces.

  • Policy Enforcement in Julia Enterprise Applications with OPA
  • OpenAPI.jl for easy HTTP APIs
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Thaddeus Low

I will add to this later

  • Using KeplerGl Visualizations in Pluto
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Thomas A. Poulsen

A mathematician working in biotechnology. Also trying to make music with computers.

  • Exploring musical tunings with Julia
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Thomas E. Baker

Prof. Thomas E. Baker is the Canada Research Chair in Quantum Computing for Modelling of Molecules and Materials. He previously served as a Fulbright US Scholar in the United Kingdom at the University of York in 2021. He was the Prized Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Sciences and Technology at Institut quantique (Université de Sherbrooke, Québec). He has an active research interest in quantum computing, quantum algorithms, tensor network methods, and quantum chemistry. He is interested in working with people from all different backgrounds.

  • Introducing DMRjulia v1.0
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Thore Kockerols

I am a macroeconomist by training with experience in central banking and academic research.

Currently seconded to the European Central Bank, I previously worked as a senior economist in the modelling unit at Norges Bank.

I hold a PhD in Economics (2018) from the Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, and my research interests include macroeconomic modelling, and macro-financial linkages.

  • MacroModelling.jl - developing and solving DSGE models
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Tianbai Xiao

Professor at Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Efficient, composable solver for non-equilibrium flows
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Tianchi Chen

Sr. Decision scientist at Merck

  • Cost-Efficient Experimental Designs, aka CEEDesigns.jl
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Tiem van der Deure

I am a PhD student at the University of Copenhagen, working on vector-borne disease modelling.

  • SpeciesDistributionModels.jl: an SDM workflow
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Tilman Hinnerichs

I am a PhD student for Computer Science within the PONY lab with Sebastijan Dumancic and Neil Yorke-Smith, researching in the field of program synthesis, neuro-symbolic proving and reasoning, and their application to bioinformatics.

Check out my website for more information.

  • Herb.jl: Teaching programs how to program with program synthesis
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Tim Besard

Software engineer at JuliaHub.

  • Updates and Advances in CUDA.jl and oneAPI.jl
  • JuliaGPU BoF
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Tim Holy

Tim Holy is the Alan A and Edith L Wolff Professor of Neuroscience at Washington University. Claire Foster is the creator of JuliaSyntax.

  • Dude, where's my code?
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Tim Siebert

I am a mathematics student in the Master's program at the TU-Berlin and will graduate in spring 2024. In my master's thesis I am working on algorithmic differentiation. Part of the thesis is the development of the ADOLC.jl package, together with Andrea Walther and Jürgen Fuhrmann.

As a student assistant in the Remote Sensing Image Analysis group at the Department of Computer Science at the TU, I have already gained experience in training deep learning models in Python. A year ago, I came into contact with Julia through Jürgen Fuhrmann as part of a TU course. I am currently working at the Weierstrass Institute - Berlin as a student assistant.

My interests are the combination of mathematical theory and software development.

  • The general purpose algorithmic differentiation wrapper ADOLC.jl
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Tim Slendebroek

I'm deeply involved in the world of fusion energy research, where I mainly focus on modeling entire facilities and crafting the frameworks that hold it all together. I'm not just behind the scenes – I'm also hands-on with FUSE.jl and related packages, both developing and using them. It's an exciting field where there's always something new to learn and explore!

  • FUSE.jl: the power of Julia for the fusion industry
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Tobias Thummerer

GitHub: thummeto
PhD Candidate @ University of Augsburg

  • Scientific Machine Learning using Functional Mock-Up Units
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Tom Lemmens
  • Industrial Julia Panel Discussion
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Tor Erlend Fjelde

I'm a PhD student at the Computational & Biological Learning (CBL) lab at University of Cambridge, UK.

I like sampling, and also spend a lot of time working on Turing.jl and other packages in the ecosystem.

  • What's new with Turing.jl and its ecosystem
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Uwe Fechner

Uwe Fechner, postdoc on wind energy at TU Delft, NL. He did his PhD on the control of airborne wind energy systems also at TU Delft from 2010 to 2016. and is using Julia since 2014.

  • A Reference Model for Airborne Wind Energy Systems - Case Study
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Vaibhav Dixit

I’m a graduate student in Computational Science and Engineering at MIT. I work at the Julia Lab within MIT’s CSAIL, focusing on scientific machine learning and non-linear optimization.

Within the SciML organisation, I serve as member of the steering council and a maintainer for various packages, such as Optimization.jl and GlobalSensitivity.jl among others, focused on non-linear optimization, inverse problems and sensitivity analysis in the context of scientific machine learning. My passion for scientific machine learning and optimization continues to drive my research and development efforts.

  • All that's new and improved in Optimization.jl
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Valentin Churavy

PhD student at the MIT JuliaLab

  • Julia in HPC
  • ScopedValues -- What are they good for
  • JuliaGPU BoF
  • BinaryBuilder BoF
  • Compiler plugins and non-native execution caching
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Venkatesh Prasad

Venkateshprasad Bhat is an Electronics engineer and an avid Julia developer. He currently works at JuliaHub, Inc. He develops modeling and simulation tools and also improves package tooling in Julia. He frequently contributes to open source softwares. Additionally, he likes building robots - especially working on computer vision and electronic circuitry.

  • Updates to Standard Library & The Native DSL of ModelingToolkit
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Victor Boussange

I’m Victor, a postdoctoral researcher in the Dynamic Macroecology Group at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow & Landscape (WSL), Switzerland. My work is centered on developing innovative models and methods to better understand and forecast the dynamics of ecosystems and their response to disruptions. My focus lies at the interface between process-based modelling and machine learning. I am specifically interested in leveraging the extrapolation ability of mechanistic models with the flexibility of state-of-the-art data driven techniques.

  • PiecewiseInference.jl: inverse modelling for complex dynamics
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Vikram Sondergaard
  • Notes from an All-Julia Honours Thesis
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Vincent Wieland

2020 - B.Sc. Mathematics, University of Bonn
2022 - B.Sc Economics, University of Bonn
2023 - M.Sc Mathematics, University of Bonn
Since April 2023 - PhD Candidate in Mathematics and Life Science, University of Bonn

Currently working on stochastic modelling of disease progression and Bayesian inference clinical trajectory analysis.

Contact: vincent.wieland@uni-bonn.de

  • Integrative Stochastic Modeling of Infectious Disease with Julia
  • Combined Stochastic Models for Cancer Patient Trajectories
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Vinicius Viena

Postdoctoral researcher at NTNU working with process systems engineering at the department of chemical engineering.

  • ProcessSimulator.jl: A Differentiable Chemical Process Simulator
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Viral B. Shah
  • JuliaSim: Bringing Julia to Industrial Modeling and Simulation
  • Model-based Design for System Product Development
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William R Burdick
  • Retro6502 for 8-bit dev: smashing a mosquito with a pile driver
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Wolfhart Feldmeier
  • Differentiable point cloud rasterisation
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Wouter Nuijten

PhD student @ Eindhoven University of Technology

  • What's new with GraphPPL.jl?
  • RxEnvironments: Reactive multi-agent environments
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Xander de Vries studied Chemistry at the Radboud University in Nijmegen he continued his education with a PhD in Physics at the TU/e in Eindhoven. He has worked for ASML for 4 years and is now working as a Functional Architect at ASML.

  • PPTX.jl an open-source package by ASML
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Xuan (Tan Zhi Xuan)

PhD student in the MIT Probabilistic Computing Project and Computational Cognitive Science lab.

  • Discussing (Gender) Diversity in the Julia Community
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Zhongyi Ni

I earned my bachelor's degree from Fudan University and am currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) under the guidance of my supervisor, Jinguo Liu. My research focuses on quantum computing and scientific computing, particularly in the areas of quantum error correction, fault-tolerant quantum computation, structural quantum computation, and tensor networks. I am open-minded and eager to learn new knowledge and skills, and I value effective communication with others.

  • Tensor network for quantum error correction