Juliacon 2024

Victor Boussange

I’m Victor, a postdoctoral researcher in the Dynamic Macroecology Group at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow & Landscape (WSL), Switzerland. My work is centered on developing innovative models and methods to better understand and forecast the dynamics of ecosystems and their response to disruptions. My focus lies at the interface between process-based modelling and machine learning. I am specifically interested in leveraging the extrapolation ability of mechanistic models with the flexibility of state-of-the-art data driven techniques.


PiecewiseInference.jl: inverse modelling for complex dynamics
Victor Boussange

PiecewiseInference.jl is a novel inverse modelling framework specifically designed for the inference of parameters in large, nonlinear differential equation using time series data. It is based on a segmentation method together with minibatching. We briefly discuss its building blocks and demonstrate its performance with large ecosystem models. PiecewiseInference.jl is a user-friendly package that significantly simplifies the inference of parameters in complex dynamical models.

While Loop (4.2)