Juliacon 2024

Natal van Riel

Natal van Riel is Professor of Biomedical Systems Biology at the department of Biomedical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology, where he leads the Computational Biology group and the Systems Biology and Metabolic Diseases research program. He is also part-time Professor of Computational Modelling at Amsterdam University Medical Centers (location AMC, University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Medicine). His research focuses on modelling of metabolic networks and physiology, machine learning for parameter estimation, methods for analysis of dynamic models, and applications in Metabolic Syndrome and associated diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes.


Julia for Systems Biology; generating personalized models
Max de Rooij, Shauna O'Donovan, Natal van Riel

Computational models are a valuable tool to study dynamic interactions and the evolution of systems behavior. Our hands-on and interactive workshop will demonstrate how personalized models can be more rapidly generated in Julia using various SciML packages combined with custom implementations. We will cover the implementation of ODE models in Julia, parameter estimation and model selection strategies including parameter sensitivity and identifiability analysis.

Biology & Life Sciences
TU-Eindhoven 0.242