Juliacon 2024

Fredrik Bagge Carlson

I received my MSc and PhD 2019 from the Dept. Automatic Control in Lund, Sweden, working within the fields of control, machine learning and robotics. I have since spent a year with the Acoustic Research Laboratory at NUS and subsequently made the transition to industry, working with dynamic modeling, control and programming-language design in a robotics context. I am now working with JuliaHub on software tools for acausal modeling, simulation, optimization and control in the Julia programming language.


Modeling and simulation of sampled-data systems
Fredrik Bagge Carlson

Computer algorithms interacting with the physical world around them give rise to what is referred to as a sampled-data system, a system with both parts that evolve continuously in time and processes that have a discrete time evolution. In this talk, we detail a new tool for modeling and simulation of such systems.

While Loop (4.2)