Juliacon 2024

Ivan Borisov

Ivan earned his Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Ivan started his career at IBM East Europe/Asia providing customers with technical support and «proof of concept» implementation of IBM software products. In 2017, Ivan joined InSysBio as mathematician and software developer, where he continues to work until present as senior software developer. Ivan participates in the development of key InSysBio software tools for simulations and analysis of QSP models, namely Julia-based package for simulations and parameters estimation HetaSimulator.jl, practical identifiability toolkit LikelihoodProfiler.jl, packages for Virtual Patients generation, etc. Beyond software development, Ivan is engaged in the enhancement of mathematical and computational methods for QSP modeling.


A Computational Environment for Simulations in Systems Biology
Ivan Borisov

The poster studies the optimal distributed architecture to run simulations with Julia-based models in the field of Systems Biology. Julia parallel framework of distributing the code across remote workers is applied to different cluster configurations: managed by HTCondor and Kubernetes through Julia interfaces ClusterManagers.jl and K8ClusterManagers.jl. The poster summarizes InSysBio experience and presents pros and cons of building such computational environment for modeling and simulations.

Function (4.1)
Profile Likelihood-based Practical Identifiability in Julia
Ivan Borisov

Practical identifiabilty based on Profile Likelihood is a crucial step in determining how well the parameters of a mechanistic model can be recovered from the experimental data. What packages are available to address this problem in Julia and what does Julia SciML community lack? How Profile likelihood-based methods can be applied to predictability analysis? The talk will cover the packages LikelihoodProfiler.jl, ProfileLikelihood.jl and the desirable improvements to Julia SciML ecosystem.

While Loop (4.2)