Juliacon 2024

Frames Catherine White

Frames has been creating cursed Julia code since 2014. Her particular interests are compiler stuff, automatic differentiation, machine learning and optimization. She maintains more Julia packages than she can count. She has a PhD in natural language processing, and undergraduate degrees in electrical engineering, pure mathematics, and computation.
She has worked at Invenia Labs (RSE team), JuliaHub (CedarEDA), and literally next week is starting at Cell Bauhaus a cell modeling startup.


Adventures in Julia IR: Plundering Core.Compiler
Frames Catherine White

This is a tutorial on how to use the tools shipped with Julia in Core.Compiler to manipulate the Julia IR and thus change how the program is compiled.
It includes running custom code transforms (like for autodiff), custom optimization passes, and introducing custom intrinsics.
This talk is for advanced Julia users, who want to understand and (ab)use the internals.

Julia Internals and Tooling
REPL (2, main stage)
CedarEDA tutorial: a fresh approach to circuit simulation
Frames Catherine White, Keno Fischer

CedarEDA is a new advanced analogue circuit simulation tool. This tutorial will go into how to use it to simulate your electronic circuits. CedarEDA is able to process circuits/models described in Spice, Spectre, Verilog-A or in pure Julia. It is API first and is driven entirely via Julia script.
This tutorial is primarily of interest to electrical and electronic engineers, or anyone else with an interest in electronic circuit design.

Function (4.1)