Juliacon 2024

Fredrik Ekre

Software Engineer at JuliaHub.


Writing and maintaining an exceptional Documentation
Morten Piibeleht, Fredrik Ekre, George Datseris

Wanna learn how to write a stellar documentation, that will satisfy newcomers, make them quickly and efficiently learn your software, and even motivate them to become contributors? Then join this workshop all about one of the most important aspects of software development: documentation! You will learn the core principles of good docs, tips & tricks, and you will write good docs yourself, during the workshop! Plus you'll learn to create docs and host them online using Documenter.jl!

TU-Eindhoven 0.242
Pkg en route: the logistics behind the package manager
Fredrik Ekre

Almost every Julia user is well acquainted with the package manager, Pkg, and uses it to add, update, and remove packages from their package environments. Behind the scenes Pkg is supported by a global distribution network of Julia-powered package servers that host registries, packages, and artifacts. In this talk we will take a look at how this infrastructure is configured and how it is being used to deliver packages from developers to users.

Julia Internals and Tooling
REPL (2, main stage)
Service monitoring with Prometheus.jl
Fredrik Ekre

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system designed for reliability and scalability and is widely used to collect and analyze metrics from running systems and applications. In this talk I will present Prometheus.jl which is Prometheus client library written in Julia.

Julia Internals and Tooling
REPL (2, main stage)