Juliacon 2024

Przemysław Szufel

Przemysław Szufel is an Assistant Professor at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Adjunct Professor at Toronto Metropolitan University. His main research focus is applying advanced analytics methods, and in particular, machine learning, simulation and optimization in modelling in bringing new value to business processes. He is a co-author of several tools and algorithms for optimal and cost efficient collection and analysis of large data sets in the cloud. He is a co-author of over 40 publications, including handbooks and journal papers, in the area of applying advanced analytics, machine learning and simulation methods to making optimal business decisions. He is an active member of the Julia language community - maintains 4 official Julia packages and has 2nd place answering Julia-related questions on StackOverflow. He is a co-author of book “Julia 1.0 Programming Cookbook: Over 100 numerical and distributed computing recipes for your daily data science workflow”. Przemysław is also co-managing SilverDecisions.pl project (that aims for representing and supporting business decisions), which has been elected by the European Commission to the Innovation Radar programe, grouping the best innovations financed by the EU funds.


Productive Parallel Programming with Dagger.jl
Przemysław Szufel, Julian P Samaroo

Everybody wants fast code, but not everyone knows how to write it. Thankfully, Dagger.jl can help you write fast, parallel code with such ease as you've never known before. In this workshop, we will teach you everything you need to know to use Dagger effectively, and work through building example parallel programs with Dagger.

Accelerated & large-scale computing
TU-Eindhoven -1.350
Working with Open Street Map spatial data in Julia
Przemysław Szufel

OpenStreetMap provides freely available data about transportation networks as well as parking spaces, schools, businesses, shops, restaurants, cafes, parking spaces, hospitals. In this talk a set of Julia packages for the manipulation of map data will be presenting, allowing processing road system information, vehicle routing as well as data scraping from maps for understanding the urban space.
Presented Julia packages include OpenStreetMapX and OSMToolset.

Data Science and Dynamics
Method (1.5)