Juliacon 2024

Andreas Kröpelin

My GitHub profile

Hi! I'm a PhD student at University Hospital Jena, Germany, conducting research on computational structural biology. We are interested in reconstructing the conformational movement of large biomolecules from cryo-EM images. Methodically, we employ Bayesian probabilistic inference. If that's up your alley, let's have a chat!

At JuliaCon, I will be talking about another passion of mine, how code and text fit together.


Literate package development using Pluto
Andreas Kröpelin

Notebooks like Pluto provide a great environment for enhancing code with explanations and interactive explorability. While popular with experimental research code, this is rarley found in package implementations. Since Pluto notebooks are actually plain Julia code under the hood, they can be used to implement a package while still being a descriptive place for exploration. In this talk, we learn how to use packages like PlutoDevMacros and PlutoTest to go from quick and dirty to reusable!

Notebooks & Graphics
If (1.1)
Jlyfish: Reproducible documents with Julia and Typst
Andreas Kröpelin

Typst is a modern type setting system excelling at user experience and compilation speed. In this talk, I present the package Jlyfish for Typst and Julia that allows users to include Julia code directly in the Typst source, have it executed, and its output inserted into the document. Similar to PythonTeX for LaTeX, this enables a workflow where results of computations are not hardcoded in the document but dynamically inserted, making the latter reproducible and in sync with the rest of the code.

Notebooks & Graphics
If (1.1)