Morten Piibeleht
Morten is a physicist & software engineer from Estonia, but based in Auckland, New Zealand. He's one of the maintainers Documenter.jl and the JuliaDocs package ecosystem, and works as a software engineer at JuliaHub.
GitHub: @mortenpi
Wanna learn how to write a stellar documentation, that will satisfy newcomers, make them quickly and efficiently learn your software, and even motivate them to become contributors? Then join this workshop all about one of the most important aspects of software development: documentation! You will learn the core principles of good docs, tips & tricks, and you will write good docs yourself, during the workshop! Plus you'll learn to create docs and host them online using Documenter.jl!
CodeEvaluation.jl and its companion IOCapture.jl are two small Julia packages that offer simple interfaces for emulating(*) Julia code execution (e.g. when evaluating code examples in documents). The talk will give a brief overview of the packages' interfaces, and discusses the challenges of trying to emulate Julia code execution.